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Kraken in 24.2?


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I left everything running in real time while I went to dinner, several hours later I return to see one of my ships in pieces traveling at 1.6*10^29 m/s into the abyss. . . really I'm just impressed, that's kind of fast. Has anyone else had encounters post update? Coolio

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The Kraken never left. Don't ever listen to anyone who claims it has ever been vanquished or eliminated. It even has a counterpart in real life, although that's another story.

I encounter a very Kraken-like bug whenever I carelessly dock something onto something else that has a klaw. If the ship I control has the klaw in question, everything is fine, but if the "receiving" ship has the klaw instead, KSP seems unable to decide which ship to make the active one and gives up, leaving my camera floating alone in space while both ships gradually drift away (or worse, clip through the ground and fall into a great black abyss of doom).

Also, after experiencing the above glitch or being dumb enough to try to use timewarp on a physicsless piece of debris, any time after that (until I restart KSP) I can't timewarp faster than 5x without being informed that I cannot timewarp past 1x while the vessel is under acceleration.

YAY Kraken!

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Docking ports seem to be baffling to the game code as well.

Here's the setup: I have a probe in orbit already with a docking port on it's tail. I send up a small SRB to send it to Jool with (why? Because they're cheap, that's why). Dock the Probe onto the SRB, decouple the SRB from the delivery vehicle and conduct an RTB maneuver with the spaceplane. With me so far?

Here's where it gets weird. Now, with that setup if you select the Probe / SRB combination from the Tracking Station Kerbin dissapears, the probe is gone, and the SRB sits there slowly spinning with smoke trailing from the engine nozzle (no thrust and no SFX) and no physics are loaded.


EDIT: Woah, broken as hell. Flew another ship within physics range of the probe and the game broke. Still didn't properly load the model in and the game started chugging like crazy. Strange.

I checked the save-game file though and all of the craft information is intact so I think I can work around this bug by flying something else within physics range of the probe and letting it load in that way and then switch control over using the '[' and ']' keys.

Has anyone else encountered this?

Edited by WafflesToo
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