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(Outdated) [0.25] The Mac OS X Thread

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You're running out of memory. The How to Get Support sticky in the Support (modded installs) forum has good advice for that problem.

No installed mods, stock game. And it seems to be "running out of memory" at well under 2GB according to activity monitor -- around 1.8 typically. Setting textures to 1/8th resolution makes the game stable. Ugly but stable. There seems to be a problem with the ceiling being much lower in Yosemite.

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I can no longer reproduce these fullscreen issues with KSP 0.25 on OS X 10.9.5. What versions are you running?


No doubt there's something more going on with Yosemite. I may have time to update and experiment with Yosemite + KSP in a few weeks.


I'm not familiar with that problem – does it crash (automatically close) or hang (stop responding)? Please read the Stock Support & Bug Reporting Guide and provide the requested information.

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I just got a new Macbook and updated to yosemite. The stock .25 works fine for me. The heavily modded version has some issues but not too many to make it unplayable. I find that finding the right balance of mods makes it more stable, that and Active Texture Management.

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Hey all,

I'm new to the forums; please forgive any newbie mistakes.

I've been busy with school during the semester and haven't had the chance to play KSP since August. At that time I was running KSP with fairly moderate video settings, but it ran smoothly (until part counts exceeded 150 or so, but that's understandable)

During the semester I upgraded to Yosemite. Yesterday when I opened KSP (the same unchanged version) I noticed the game had become MUCH more laggy with the same settings I had before. I tried downloading the new version (0.25), but experience the same issue.

OS X Yosemite

V. 10.10.1

2.9 GHz Intel Core i5

8GB 1600 MHZ DDR3

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 512 MB



Edited by RegalPlatypus
Wrong version number.
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I'm also having a rough experience with .25 on Yosemite. I'm almost certain it's related to Yosemite. I used to play KSP on maxed out graphics and physics settings with only a few stutters and maybe a crash here or there, but now I can barely play it unless I drop all the nice graphics options, cut textures to half, and run in a window. I get the same error messages as other users have: Activity Monitor says it's running out of memory when it's at less than 1.8GB.

I know there are precious few games that can use more than 4GB, but I have 32GB installed, so "out of memory" is really aggravating to see. I don't understand why it can't use all available memory. Anyway, here's my setup:

OS X Yosemite, 10.10.1

3.4GHz Intel Core i7

32GB 1600MHz DDR3 RAM

NVidia GeForce GTX 680MX 2GB

1TB Fusion Drive

27" iMac, late 2012

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  • 4 weeks later...


I have a MacBook Pro 2011 running Yosemite and I'm experiencing this problem when I update:

Squad Patcher

Using rsync-2.0.9


Detecting if OS-resident rsync is present...

rsync present in PATH, residing at: /usr/bin/rsync


Getting login token...

Unable to authenticate with the server: Received malformed data from the server: bad channelkey

What is the problem and how can I solve it?

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I seem to be having an issue whereby I cannot click on the hanger or rocket pad. Clicking on the science lab works fine but trying to exit to the facility overview does nothing. Also when I bring up the menu I am able to access settings but autosave and exit do not work. I am on OS X Yosemite with a late 2011 iMac 27" 3.4 Ghz. I bought the game last week and have been playing fine up until now (it started to happen halfway through playing one session fine). I have tried restarting and verifying game cache, neither has fixed the problem.


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Not sure if others are having this problem, but I have a late 2013 iMac 27" with 3.4 i5, 16 GB RAM, NVidia GTX 780M with 4096 RAM, and it runs Kerbal well, but the machine regularly has a runaway kernel process that takes up 300-400% of CPU making it useless for anything. Restart can rarely fix, but once it starts it typically continues on restart. Only fix I have found is a complete reinstall of OSX 10.10.1.

Could this be Kerbal or Unity related as there's no a lot else non standard loaded. Kerbal crashed when trying to launch a largish but not huge ship yesterday, and after the system was restarted the kernel run-away is back. (That's "kernel run-away" not kerbal runway, just fwiw).

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I am having an issue with KSP not loading past startup. The screen goes black and there are unintelligible letters at the bottom of the screen. I waited for 30 minutes for it to load but to no avail. This problem showed up when I upgraded to .90. I performed a clean install of .90 with no mods with no success. I uninstalled .90 and performed a clean install of .25 and the problem still continues. I have had KSP running previously on this computer. I am running Mac OSX 10.9.2 on a Macbook Pro (Late 2010). I have enclosed links to files and screenshots needed.

Player Log


System Specs




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Hi, attempting to update ksp from 0.25 to (hopefully) 0.90. running Yosemite on MacBook Air..0.25 working beautifully except for issues described in post 2 of this thread. have followed instructions and clicking "Update" in the launcher now opens patcher (which it didn't before). However, attempting to sign in through patcher not working.

Viewing terminal gives the following on attempted sign in:

Last login: Mon Jan 26 12:45:05 on ttys000Ruaidhri-Le-Mages-MacBook-Pro:~ rhule$ /Applications/Juegos/KSP_osx/Patcher ; exit;

2015-01-26 12:45:08.123 Patcher[810:57986] modalSession has been exited prematurely - check for a reentrant call to endModalSession:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/Users/N3X15/KSP/PyPatcher/build/main/out00-PYZ.pyz/mx.com.squad.pypatch.ui", line 137, in accept

File "/Users/N3X15/KSP/PyPatcher/build/main/out00-PYZ.pyz/mx.com.squad.pypatch.transport.rsync", line 95, in __init__

File "/Users/N3X15/KSP/PyPatcher/build/main/out00-PYZ.pyz/urlparse", line 112, in port

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''

any ideas? If this is in the wrong place or doesn't contain the right information, apologies...fairly new to this.


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Not sure why I didn't recognize that issue right off. Sorry. See this sticky.


Do you mean Kerbal Space Program, Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System, or something else entirely? I can't help you with Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System.


Crashes can happen for quite a few reasons, so if you want specific answers, you'll need to provide more information. See the Stock Support & Bug Reporting Guide for what we're looking for.


Your KSP isn't loading any data. First, try the permissions fixes listed in the Known Issues & Self-Help thread. If that gets you further, but doesn't fix everything, we'll need new logs. If it doesn't, try reinstalling.


Patcher doesn't work, period – only Launcher has been updated. As it says in the second post, you'll need to download from the store, install, and copy over your saves.

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Crashes can happen for quite a few reasons, so if you want specific answers, you'll need to provide more information. See the Stock Support & Bug Reporting Guide for what we're looking for.

i have linked my player log file here:


the game always hangs for me - with the spinning coloured wheel. i have to force quite the game when stops responding - after about 5 - 10 mins play. usually this happens when switching between main screens - but tonight it happened whilst in the middle of a build in the spaceship warehouse.

as mentioned before - the game was much more stable in previous builds. the occasional crash but i could often play for hours.

i am running on the following:

macbook pro

2.3 core i7

16GB ram

nvidia geforce gt 750m 2048MB

hope this info can help resolve my issue as i really want to play this game.


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You are running out of memory as many of us. Unfortunately I don't know neither why this happens so often. Are you already playing with the lowest graph settings?

By the way it is not mac specific:

Game crashes during scene change (on Revert, Launch, etc) or some of the graphics (buttons/text) are glitched – [PARTIAL FIX]

[spoiler: PARTIAL FIX]

This seems to be related to graphics settings and causes crashes when the game is switching scenes. I don’t think the cause is tracked down yet, but is sometimes linked to the resolution being set to max.

I suffered a lot from this problem till I figured out that it is related to running at maximum resolution in windowed mode. This was not a problem for me in v0.23.0, but the following fixes have made this issue go away completely.

Possible fixes:

- Try running in full screen mode.

- Reduce resolution away from max.

- Run in frameless window (fake full screen) mode. Create a shortcut to KSP.exe and add the command flag “-popupwindow†The shortcut line should look something like “C:\Games\KSP Install\KSP.exe -popupwindowâ€Â

Also, try reducing the texture quality down to Half or less. If you can't get to the main menu of KSP, edit the settings.cfg file with a plain text editor and look for the "TEXTURE_QALITY" line. Make it say "TEXTURE_QUALITY = 1". Restart KSP.

Edited by Cad01
More info added
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an update to an earlier post of mine, KSP on OSX *seems* to have become more stable with the latest update to OSX to 10.10.2. Haven't had to reload the OS for couple of weeks now which is an improvement. Worth trying if you are experiencing a lot of problems and are on 10.10.

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Your KSP version: I am playing on Steam with the 1.0 version

Your Patcher version; I dont know what it is

Your Operating System and version: Mac OS X Version 10.9.5

Steps to cause the problem: For 2 weeks now, one of my saves gets corrupted and i can't resume any save because of it. I simply play the game, and when i launch it, i discover i can't "resume saved" anymore.

Any error messages while Patcher is running: No error messages.

I have looked around the forum and i know it comes from a corrupted save file. I looked up in the "persistent.sfs"

I quickly go over it and find this:





Name = Kerbin

Disabled = False

MinHeightRange = -1500

MaxHeightRange = 6500

ClampHeight = 0

PaletteName = Default

PaletteSize = 7

PaletteReverse = False

PaletteDiscrete = False



(the AOD-AOD is on several line)

The same writing appears on the Body Mun and Minmus

Any help? maybe guide to rewrite the save? if i could avoid having to restart another carrer that would be great!

Thanks in advance for your help and your time! I love this game!

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