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airplane / spaceplane rolling problem

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I've been building airplanes for a while now. you can only do so much with the small ones, so I started building larger ones. once I (finally) got them off the ground, I noticed something kinda strange. as I would pitch up (which I do a lot as you could imagine) the plane would roll slightly to one side. the direction of roll is consistent throughout the flight, though if you revert it to launch, it could roll the other direction (which seems strange because it's the same aircraft). additionally, when I leave SAS on and it pitches up, spontaneous lift-roll doesn't seem to happen (nor is it adjusting the roll axis automatically). so my question is, is this a problem with the way I design large airplanes, or is this some error with the [insert technical code sounding thing here]? I can upload some screenshots (I think) if that makes things easier.

of note, I have Mods: FAR and Spaceplanes Plus installed

also of note: this is my first post, so I'm not being stupid on puropse. :D

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Screenshots would definitely help, and a craft file would help even more. You'll need to upload screenshots to a service like imgur to be able to post them on the forums and craft files will need to be hosted on a site like dropbox or mediafire for other people to access them.

Welcome to the forums!

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FAR and Spaceplanes Plus mods are develop by difference modder. Although they are coexisted to each other, but there are still minor bugs that might happend due to game engines, and the computing issues.

FAR tent to fly much better without SAS, at LOW altitude. And SP+ having "lift" value attach to its model surface. Hence this MIGHT be the problem here.

Further more screenshot (Press F1, get the screenshot at screenshot folder upload to imgur.com, post the link here.) and craftfile (MediaFire.com) Are very much appreciated to troubleshot the issues.

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Sounds like you have a wing or some other lifting surface that isn't in alignment it is throwing things off. Without pictures really can't give you much help. I spend a lot of time building aircraft in FAR with that mod and and many others I have a great deal of experience with FAR more than some others.

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Have you configured your control surfaces? By default, all control surfaces try to give control input to all axes, which is sort of silly and usually counterproductive. It is a major cause of unwanted roll when pitching, for example. So right-click on each control surface and disable any axes you don't want it to mess with. I usually make all my control surfaces work only in 1 axis, so have dedicated ailerons, elevators, and rudders.

Another thing you can do is place your rudders on the wing trailing edges, so they're in line with the fuselage. If you do the conventional thing and put rudders on tail fins mounted above the fuselage, the force from the rudder is off-center so using the rudder will induce roll, even if the rudder is set to only work in yaw.

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