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KSP-TV SquadCast - Release list and discussion


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Thank you for the summary Avera9eJoe!

  Avera9eJoe said:

- Physics less parts will be looked into in the future

Yes, yes, yes.

I really hope that they'll get on it soon after Unity 5 is out and implemented into KSP (which will be a ton of work on it's own).

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--Secret feature

--Max cannot reveal it, he does not have the authority

--"we believe it is really cool, one of the coolest things in the game" --Max

--Complex from the code, but "basic" from the gameplay aspect

--Veterans, who are REALLY GOOD (read: regex, ferram4, Scott Manley) will not encounter it

--Creates the framework for a MASSIVE feature in the future

--No mod has done it

--HarvesteR had extreme amounts of fun playing with it


--Max derives happiness from seeing everyone speculate

My guess about this feature, now that I know about the "buff" system, is this: a penalty system. What happens if you don't play well? Sure, explosions, crashes, death and hilarity, but also: loss of reputation.

I'm guessing if your reputation goes red you start getting the opposite of a buff: a random type of penalty. Maybe your scientists start going on strike and your science collection suffers from that, or your engineers get a pay cut and need to find a night job, and your designs suddenly aren't as efficient as they were, making it a challenge to come back from the hard times.

Not sure how that ties with a future massive feature, however. Thoughts?

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  5thHorseman said:
Excited about the magic boulder. I found out it was a thing when I heard that they removed it. I'm looking forward to seeing it again for the very first time.

They didn't remove it at all, they don't want you to know that it just got moved to [REDACTED], where it's a bit harder to get to.

Last edited by The Illuminati; Today at 08:55. Reason: There is no boulder! The Illuminati are not affiliated with Squad or the moderation staff in any way.

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  razark said:
What does "Age of Empires style marketing" mean?

What he actually said in the stream was that they originally intended the Admin Building to be like an AoE style market (place where you could exchange science, funds and rep), but they discovered it wasn't fun, and then scrapped it and went for the more complex Strategies system.

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Destructible something seems likely for the secret feature. Whether it's buildings, the ground itself (making permanent craters), or even ship parts (turning them into lots of fragments of debris for a real Kessler syndrome.)

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  cantab said:
Destructible something seems likely for the secret feature. Whether it's buildings, the ground itself (making permanent craters), or even ship parts (turning them into lots of fragments of debris for a real Kessler syndrome.)

If it's a graduated damage system for parts (instead of working perfectly -> exploded), I'd be very happy. Definitely agree we're going to be destroying something.

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The news about crew transfers without EVA is good; if it supports CLS or something like it.

Unity 5 support should be great.

Looking forward to what Hugo did with the parts remodelling to, presumably, standardise them all and, I hope, implement the missing internal views.

The rest is, "mehh ok".

To be honest, I can't see myself spending much time on science/career mode as long as the tech-tree is so insane so contracts and the admin building aren't interesting and like the last update there's nothing much here for rocketeers.

:-) Still, that's an SEP - I can still have as much fun in sandbox as always, no-one's taking my existing toys away.

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More wild mass guessing: It was touched on in the squadcast when somebody said Clippy, but maybe the new feature is something like that. If your flying goes wrong, Wernher von Kerman will pop up and give the player advice. Essentially integrating tutorials into the main game. It could tie into the progress tracking too, so if you crash on the Mun on your first attempt you get the offer of the tutorial, but if you crash after having a bunch of successful landings before you don't.

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Squad what the hell are you doing with increased fuel efficiency in next flight and less drag???!!! It sound like they are turning it into some sort of game with crappy power ups and stuff. Seriously if they do that and it somehow goes into sandbox the I'm switching to orbiter or something

Edit: also I hope the crew transfer is not like CLS as that will reqiure MAJOR redesign of my station which will NOT happen

Edit2: actually I might not update if all I just said happens

Edited by montyben101
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  montyben101 said:
Squad what the hell are you doing with increased fuel efficiency in next flight and less drag???!!! It sound like they are turning it into some sort of game with crappy power ups and stuff. Seriously if they do that and it somehow goes into sandbox the I'm switching to orbiter or something

I must have missed that, to what are you referring?

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Yeah, that's pretty terrible ("buffs"). :huh:

The mechanism to add anything like that is astronaut quality, which is right now meaningless. And there is nothing you can possibly do about drag. The way to "spend science" to improve drag is called "a wind tunnel" then better engineering.

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  Zaphod12 said:
Could anyone tell me what 'physics buffs' are?

From the post I linked above:

If you spend funds and science, the next flight has better fuel efficiency

-or the next flight has a bit less drag

Which sounds like changes to the physics of how the parts behave based on career choices. Dislike greatly.

Edit: Ninja infestation!

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  Red Iron Crown said:
From the post I linked above:

Which sounds like changes to the physics of how the parts behave based on career choices. Dislike greatly.

Edit: Ninja infestation!

Wait a minute, does that mean that that would only affect career mode?

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Maybe jewels in space you can fly through and get more fuel :confused: ? Yeah, I'm in the "dislike greatly" camp as well. I've already bought the game, but if I saw a review and it had power ups, I'd not have bothered even with a demo.

There are mechanisms to improve the engineering of parts, it's called the tech tree (meh as it is). Reuse existing models, and have sub-models of them (either identical model, or retexture with a plate on each that lists the model number, like "Mk1 Command Pod" vs "Mk1b Command Pod"). Improved models can have incremental improvements (more mono, slightly better SCS, better battery, less drag, lower mass, etc, etc).

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I genuinely don't get what's wrong with the idea of spending a little extra money to improve a craft's aerodynamic profile.

Surely that's.. that's like.. the definition of what Nasa does. Spend money to improve the performance of technology.

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