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[1.4.1] Kerbal Construction Time (2018-03-24) - Unrapid Planned Assembly


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That's something that will definitely need a log to figure out. 64 bit isn't officially supported, but I'll still gladly take a look at any bug reports and see if I can help at all, but if the fix would only benefit 64 bit users then there's a decent chance I won't fix it depending on how much work is needed (until the official 64 bit comes out at least, then I'll definitely fix it since I'll be providing support then).

There are a few places it could go wrong during recovery, the log should (hopefully) tell me where.

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Would it be possible to keep a history of ships created in the VAB and SPH tabs, so that we could go back and choose to build another copy of a previously completed vessel? If I design a tourist launching cash machine, then use it, then pick up more tourist launch contracts, it would save a few seconds being able to select it from the KCT window at the space center rather than go back into the VAB, sort through saved ships and then select to build it.


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There's a plan to have a GUI to select from saved ships when clicking on the Launchpad/Runway, but it's fairly low priority at the moment. That will also provide options for launching any built ships and simulating any saved/built ships.

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Bug report!

Ran some simulations on something. Instead of subtracting my funds by the simulation costs, it does it by the cost of the craft itself. Now I'm out of 20,000 funds. It could be because I haven't fully modernized my mods.

Here is a tidbit of my debug log. Just ask if you need more.

[WRN 18:10:32.089] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From SPACECENTER to MAINMENU (Async) =====================
[LOG 18:10:33.058] 11/11/2015 6:10:33 PM,FingerboxLib,DEBUG: Destroying MBExtended
[LOG 18:10:34.095] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ActiveTextureManagement' from assembly 'ActiveTextureManagement'
[LOG 18:10:34.098] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'DarkenSky' from assembly 'DistantObject'
[LOG 18:10:34.099] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'SettingsGui' from assembly 'DistantObject'
[LOG 18:10:34.102] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonCursor' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 18:10:34.104] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonPickup' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 18:10:34.105] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'IRHandler' from assembly 'kOS'
[LOG 18:10:34.107] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KOSToolBarWindow' from assembly 'kOS'
[LOG 18:10:34.108] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KACEventHandler' from assembly 'kOS'
[LOG 18:10:34.110] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'MFIManager' from assembly 'ModularFlightIntegrator'
[LOG 18:10:34.111] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'StageRecovery' from assembly 'StageRecovery'
[LOG 18:10:34.176] 11/11/2015 6:10:34 PM,kOS-IRWrapper,Attempting to Grab IR Types...
[LOG 18:10:34.182] 11/11/2015 6:10:34 PM,kOS-KACWrapper,Attempting to Grab KAC Types...
[LOG 18:10:34.186] MFIManager Start Post RemoveModuleOfType. Current modules coVesselModule :
JSI.RPMVesselComputer active=True order=999
ModularFI.ModularFlightIntegrator active=True order=0

[LOG 18:10:37.344] 11/11/2015 6:10:37 PM,FingerboxLib,DEBUG: WindowID:57622026
[LOG 18:10:37.353] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ActiveTextureManagement' from assembly 'ActiveTextureManagement'
[LOG 18:10:37.355] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'DarkenSky' from assembly 'DistantObject'
[LOG 18:10:37.356] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'SettingsGui' from assembly 'DistantObject'
[LOG 18:10:37.360] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonCursor' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 18:10:37.361] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KISAddonPickup' from assembly 'KIS'
[LOG 18:10:37.363] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'IRHandler' from assembly 'kOS'
[LOG 18:10:37.364] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KOSToolBarWindow' from assembly 'kOS'
[LOG 18:10:37.367] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'KACEventHandler' from assembly 'kOS'
[LOG 18:10:37.369] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'MFIManager' from assembly 'ModularFlightIntegrator'
[LOG 18:10:37.371] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'StageRecovery' from assembly 'StageRecovery'
[LOG 18:10:37.372] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'StockPlusController' from assembly 'StockPlusController'
[LOG 18:10:37.373] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'BandwidthFix' from assembly 'BandwidthFix'
[LOG 18:10:37.375] AddonLoader: Instantiating addon 'ScaleExponentsLoader' from assembly 'Scale'
[LOG 18:10:37.438] 11/11/2015 6:10:37 PM,FingerboxLib,DEBUG: New MBExtended Started
[LOG 18:10:37.440] 11/11/2015 6:10:37 PM,kOS-IRWrapper,Attempting to Grab IR Types...
[LOG 18:10:37.445] 11/11/2015 6:10:37 PM,kOS-KACWrapper,Attempting to Grab KAC Types...
[LOG 18:10:37.450] MFIManager Start Post RemoveModuleOfType. Current modules coVesselModule :
JSI.RPMVesselComputer active=True order=999
ModularFI.ModularFlightIntegrator active=True order=0

[LOG 18:10:37.453] StockPlusController.Start(): v00.03 (Active = True)
[LOG 18:10:37.454] BandwidthFix.Start(): v01.02
[LOG 18:10:37.456] BandwidthFix: Fixing commDish
[LOG 18:10:37.457] BandwidthFix: Fixing mediumDishAntenna
[LOG 18:10:37.458] BandwidthFix: Fixing longAntenna
[LOG 18:10:37.459] BandwidthFix: Fixing MKSL.CommPak
[LOG 18:10:37.877] 11/11/2015 6:10:37 PM,FingerboxLib,DEBUG: Running OnGUI OnceOnly Code

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Bug report!

Ran some simulations on something. Instead of subtracting my funds by the simulation costs, it does it by the cost of the craft itself. Now I'm out of 20,000 funds. It could be because I haven't fully modernized my mods.

Here is a tidbit of my debug log. Just ask if you need more.

Could you please upload the full log? Unfortunately that tidbit doesn't contain much info related to what you're describing. The way simulations should work is that when starting the simulation the cost of the simulation is deducted and then the backup is made. When you finish the simulation the backup is loaded and any funds that you spent on extra time or by pressing the "Build it" button are deducted.

If you're losing the funds for the ship, then the simulation is likely not loading from the backup correctly (which should be noticeable because time will have passed and Kerbals will be dead that shouldn't be). There's a chance it's something else. Hopefully the full log contains an error or other message that indicates something's up. You might need to turn on the KCT debug messages in the KCT settings menu (where you choose a Preset).

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Other things are happening like when I use the stock menu to revert to launch the sim timer starts for no reason, like it forgot to put me in orbit.

I'll take a look at the log and edit when I've got something. Using the Stock revert to launch doesn't reset KCT's simulation mode stuff because there's no simple way for it to know you've reverted to launch. I believe somewhere it even says you must use the KCT revert for orbital simulations, and if it doesn't say that somewhere then I'm saying it here. In order for orbital simulations to revert properly, and in order for the timer to reset correctly, you have to use KCT's reverts. Using the stock revert won't work for those two things, but shouldn't break anything else. Using the stock revert to editor is fine since KCT can recognize the scene chang, turn off all the simulation locks, and load the backup.

Edit: You've got errors in your contracts system and R&D system that are triggering the message. But that's different from what your original bug report was about. Since you didn't run a simulation during the last session, I can't really help with the first report you gave me. As for R&D and Contracts being messed up, it's hard to say since the log doesn't say what caused the error. There are some errors nearby in the log with Custom Asteroids and CactEye, so it's possible one of them is causing those errors. Hard to say without testing though.

Edited by magico13
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Hi! I'm playing KSP 1.0.5 with KCT 1.2.3 and I got this error message when I clicked on "edit" for a recovered vehicle:


Here's my log files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/js14ts1c5juddq7/logs.zip?dl=0

I'm also using the following mods:

Contract Configurator 1.8.0

Contract Pack RemoteTech 2.0.1

DMagic Orbital Science

Docking Port Alignment Indicator 6.2

Editor Extensions 2.12

Ferram Aerospace Research

Fusebox 1.51

KAS 0.5.5

Kerbal Alarm Clock

Kerbal NRAP

Kerbal Engineer

KIS 1.2.3

Module Manager 2.6.13

NavUtilities 0.5.1 RC 1

Precise Node 1.2.0

Procedural Fairings 3.15

RCS Build Aid 0.7.3


RemoteTech 1.6.9

Stage Recovery 1.5.8


Let me know if you need any more info

Edited by WalterB
Fixed link to image
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I can't see the screenshot you posted, but based on the logs it seems the "recovery" didn't work properly. That's not surprising, as the method used to "recover" the vessel is somewhat error prone as it's not something KSP is really designed to do. A few options: if you haven't done much since the recovery then try to load the backup save file that KCT generates when you recover the vessel, then recover it again and try again. If that doesn't work, or you've done quite a bit since the recovery then I'd recommend just scrapping the vessel and building a new copy of it. It'll take a bit longer, but you'll get a fresh not-broken craft. If somehow that doesn't work then you might need to surgically remove the craft from the save file since you probably can't launch it either.

If you'd like to upload your save file (or preferably the whole save folder) (and your ckan modlist file if you're using ckan) I can see if I can load it up and try it out on my end. I might be able to tweak things to get it to work properly.

Semi-random side note: OMG the CKAN modlist file makes it stupidly easy for modders to test bugs with the same setup as someone else and I never thought about that until just now. That's kind of amazing.

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Thanks Magico, I'll try reloading the backup and see if that works.

Also, I fixed the link to the screenshot in my original post. I didn't notice it at first but there's a lot of weirdness in there with the parts inventory, the staging icons and the the buttons for part symmetry. Editor Extensions has not been updated for 1.0.5 yet so if it happens again I'll remove that and see if that helps.

- - - Updated - - -

Ok, I loaded the backup and edited the vehicle with no problems. Looks like it was just a momentary glitch. Thanks for the advice about the backup file, I will remember that in the future.

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I've noticed an interesting 'thing' I'm guessing it stems from the way squad changed the kerbal world first milestone 'missions' Simulating flights can achieve these, but they don't reset after the simulation, a specific example, I just simulated a test vehicle on the launch pad, and I got the recover first crew on kerbin milestone, from the sim, and it stuck. Just a minor thing, not a big deal to me, just didn't know if you'd seen it, would want to fix it, or even are going to care. :)

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[quote name='magico13']You have a corrupt ship. Usually from removing a mod that has parts. Either add the mod back in and scrap the vessel, or we can do some save file surgery to remove the corrupt ship. I've got a planned fix, but nothing written yet for it, so the 1.0.5 update that I'm putting out won't fix that yet, sorry :([/QUOTE]

I'm getting the exact same issue, Magico. I haven't added or removed any mods recently. I might have a corrupt ship, but I'm not sure which one it might be. Is there any way to tell?
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[quote name='WalterB']

Ok, I loaded the backup and edited the vehicle with no problems. Looks like it was just a momentary glitch. Thanks for the advice about the backup file, I will remember that in the future.[/QUOTE]

Glad that worked! I'm not sure why it does, since the process is identical, but it's kind of like restarting your computer and suddenly having everything work again.

[quote name='vardicd']I've noticed an interesting 'thing' I'm guessing it stems from the way squad changed the kerbal world first milestone 'missions' Simulating flights can achieve these, but they don't reset after the simulation, a specific example, I just simulated a test vehicle on the launch pad, and I got the recover first crew on kerbin milestone, from the sim, and it stuck. Just a minor thing, not a big deal to me, just didn't know if you'd seen it, would want to fix it, or even are going to care. :)[/QUOTE]

That's really weird, but might be a side effect of recovering instead of exiting through another method. I believe the other records shouldn't be kept, but I'll have to double check. I'd advise against exiting the simulation by recovering. Thanks!

[quote name='Cetera']I'm getting the exact same issue, Magico. I haven't added or removed any mods recently. I might have a corrupt ship, but I'm not sure which one it might be. Is there any way to tell?[/QUOTE]

If you're getting that error popup then there's a decent chance it's happening due to a different problem (especially if you haven't switched around any mods). Upload the log and I'll see what I can find.
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One other interesting thing, I've noticed that when running a simulation and starting in Orbit, the craft seems to start the sim with a massive amount of heat. if you've got radiators on the craft they instantly go cherry red, and the temp gauges pop up dangerously close to over heating. Has anyone else seen this, or am I the only one getting it?
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[quote name='WeirdCulture']does somebody ever encounted this error? After clicking on "VAB" I get only this:
Magico, I'm not getting an error, just the broken, cut-off screen when clicking on the VAB button in KCT (see quoted above). The Hanger, Upgrades, and Settings buttons all work fine, but not the VAB button. I was able to correct it for now by reverting a save, which lost me two launches, which isn't so bad. I just wanted to see if I could track down the issue, or what to look for.
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I suspect I'm going to have the ship corruption again very soon, Magico. I can't edit 4 ships in the VAB build process, but others are OK. The VAB screen itself is working right now, but I'm guessing will break soon. Let me know if you'd be willing to try to help me fix this in the save file. I'll try to get some screenshots.
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[quote name='vardicd']One other interesting thing, I've noticed that when running a simulation and starting in Orbit, the craft seems to start the sim with a massive amount of heat. if you've got radiators on the craft they instantly go cherry red, and the temp gauges pop up dangerously close to over heating. Has anyone else seen this, or am I the only one getting it?[/QUOTE]

It's probably due to the rapid movement from the teleportation. How I want to rewrite simulations to work should prevent that from occuring, but for now you might just have to plan around it.

[quote name='Cetera']I suspect I'm going to have the ship corruption again very soon, Magico. I can't edit 4 ships in the VAB build process, but others are OK. The VAB screen itself is working right now, but I'm guessing will break soon. Let me know if you'd be willing to try to help me fix this in the save file. I'll try to get some screenshots.[/QUOTE]

If you see an issue, get me the log as soon as you can. I'd definitely be willing to take a look at the save file and see if there's anything I can do. Upload the whole folder (as a zip file or other compressed file) to dropbox/drive/etc along with your ckan mod list (In the CKAN GUI go to "File->Export installed mods...") and let me know which ships are causing trouble. You can put everything into the one zip file to make it simpler.
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I figured out the ships, and they were all clones/duplicates using KCT of a previous ship. I was able to successfully remove them from from the save file. I had to manually adjust my funds, and I lost a bit of "time" in the save as several were well on their way to being built, but that is OK.

However, I am hoping you could help me with another issue I'm having. I'm not certain where to start troubleshooting it. I have completely overhauled my suit selection, trimmed a lot, added some, to the Texture Replacer mod, so I can have better custom suits for my save and Youtube videos. However, now module manager completely hangs trying to do something with Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuleTankJumbo-64/fuelTankJumbo-64/fuelTank3-2. It just completely stops loading the game at that point. I'm not out of memory when it get there, using 2.3 GB only. Will something like that show up in a log someplace, and is that something you can help me with?

I of course backed up my entire install folder before messing with anything (I am learning, see) but deleting the Squad folder in the Game Data folder and copying it back from backups does not resolve the issue. Edited by Cetera
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Thanks for this creation, I'm loving the added complexity to my new 1.05 hard campaign.

Two Questions, how do payloads work? My campaign save is still sort of early, so I'm doing part test contacts. I built a few copies of a 'landing pad test stand' and they're stored right now. If I try to edit one it takes me to the VAB, but I can't save or launch it after I add the test payload.

How does inventory work? If you can cut down construction time by using parts in inventory, where do those inventory parts come from for new craft? Unless it's dealing more with constructed sub-assemblies as 'inventory'?

Sorry if those are answered earlier in the thread, I looked back a few pages and didn't see anything.

Thanks :) Edited by Barklight
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[quote name='Cetera']I figured out the ships, and they were all clones/duplicates using KCT of a previous ship. I was able to successfully remove them from from the save file. I had to manually adjust my funds, and I lost a bit of "time" in the save as several were well on their way to being built, but that is OK.

However, I am hoping you could help me with another issue I'm having.

Will something like that show up in a log someplace, and is that something you can help me with?

Were those duplicates of a recovered ship, or duplicates of a brand new ship? I'll have to make a note to check if vessel duplication is working correctly.

As for your other issue, I'm not totally sure where to look either. There's a chance the log doesn't have anything useful, but if you upload it anyway I'll take a look and see. Hopefully it;ll at least gie you a place to start.

[quote name='Barklight']Thanks for this creation, I'm loving the added complexity to my new 1.05 hard campaign.

Two Questions, how do payloads work? My campaign save is still sort of early, so I'm doing part test contacts. I built a few copies of a 'landing pad test stand' and they're stored right now. If I try to edit one it takes me to the VAB, but I can't save or launch it after I add the test payload.

How does inventory work? If you can cut down construction time by using parts in inventory, where do those inventory parts come from for new craft? Unless it's dealing more with constructed sub-assemblies as 'inventory'?

Sorry if those are answered earlier in the thread, I looked back a few pages and didn't see anything.

Thanks :)[/QUOTE]

Welcome to KCT! Glad you're enjoying it so far :) Editing already built vessels is more locked down than normal VAB operation. Generally all you have to do is select the edit option which takes you to the VAB/SPH, then add whatever parts you want and you should see some noticeable changes in the KCT window and an estimate of how long those changes will take to apply. Then select the "Save Edits" button which will save your changes and eject you back to the space center. The now-edited ships should be in the construction queue (depending on how many changes you make, it should already have some progress completed). You launch them the same way as other KCT vessels: wait for them to finish, roll them out, then launch.

The inventory is a mechanic to promote the creation of reusable craft by reducing build times for parts that are in the inventory. Here's the basic rundown of how it works: when you recover a craft all the parts are added to the inventory, when building a new craft with those parts they only add about 1/10 of their normal amount to the total time, when you build that new craft the parts are removed from the inventory. The actual mechanics are a bit more complicated, but it boils down to the fact that a craft built entirely out of parts from the inventory takes 1/10 as long to build as a brand new one. Having parts not from the inventory on the craft as well can make that amount jump up a lot since they're weighted much higher. If you're interested in the details let me know. I think there's a few examples buried somewhere in this thread.

If you have any other questions I'd love to answer them!
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Awesome, thanks for the intel! Just tried editing a stored science probe for a minmus flyby mission and it worked as you explained. Makes sense now!

I'll take your word on the inventory workings, no need to go play hide and seek with the numbers. Does distance from KSC when recovered make a difference in inventory availability when recovering a craft?
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[quote name='Barklight']I'll take your word on the inventory workings, no need to go play hide and seek with the numbers. Does distance from KSC when recovered make a difference in inventory availability when recovering a craft?[/QUOTE]

No, it does not affect which parts are recovered. Are you also using the related mod, by magico13 as well, called Stage Recovery? I think you'll find it also fits well into this, allowing you to get parts and some refund from craft which are recovered when you aren't flying them (such as your discarded rocket stages).
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[quote name='Barklight']Does distance from KSC when recovered make a difference in inventory availability when recovering a craft?[/QUOTE]

As Gryphon mentions, it does not. Do note, however, that the parts only go into the inventory when you recover a craft the "normal" way. When you recover a craft into storage through the KCT window that vessel is moved whole into storage, rather than broken into parts, and the time it takes to do that [I]is[/I] dependent on distance from the KSC. For normal recovery though, it's instant and only depends on the parts you successfully land.

Also as Gryphon mentions, [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86677-1-0-5-StageRecovery-Recover-Funds-from-Dropped-Stages-v1-5-8-(11-9-15)"]StageRecovery[/URL] gives you the ability to recover parts from things you drop on ascent and those will be added to the inventory as well.
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Yeah, I have been using StageRecovery for a while actually. That's an equally amazing piece of work - just started using KCT :) If I can find a good tool for recording (Unity and NVidia ShadowPlay don't like each other very much) I'd probably start recording this super hard mode game and give you some more "here's KCT in action" material.

[U]Off-Topic[/U]: Does your StageRecovery mod no longer give you message log notifications on recovery or failure to recover? I launched a rocket lastnight and discarded my 2nd ascent stage for recovery, it had 2x radial RealChutes on it. I noticed that I didn't get a notification for either a destruction or a recovery, and hadn't been the entire campaign. Is all that just automated now or is there probably something wonky with the game?
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