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[1.4.1] Kerbal Construction Time (2018-03-24) - Unrapid Planned Assembly


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Would it be possible to do a non-KK and a KK based version of KCT? So those that need it can launch from other places, and those that like using stock facilities can use KCT without KK dependancy? Just throwing out an idea, don't know if that would break anything between versions, my knowledge on mod making is pretty limited.

Whatever the case, I'm loving this mod, and can't wait to see what else you put in it. I am eager to see the non-KSC launch get easier to do, though. I plan on starting a new playthrough next month, and want to focus using different launch stations in it. Keep up the good work!

The KK issue is mostly a time problem at the moment. It's going to require a somewhat substantial amount of time, which is something I don't have a lot of at the moment. Fortunately, after the next release the only issues with KK will be that you have to go to the VAB/SPH to launch (requiring a scene change, but one less than you do currently) and that reconditioning and rollout times won't work properly (but you can just turn them off).

I might be able to get a pseudo-compatible release that lets Recon/Rollout function per launchsite without as much effort. But you'd still have to use the VAB/SPH to select a launch site. That'd be a lot easier than me trying to find a way to let you select a site from the space center. But that will still have to wait until after next release.

Unfortunately I didn't get any time to work on things yesterday and I don't expect to this weekend as I have friends visiting from out of town (which is also why I'm not streaming tomorrow).

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Is it possible to split off the vessel simulation into a separate mod? I'd love to be able to test my skycranes etc. during descent and dropoff, and paying a small "fee" is OK with me.

You can actually simulate something and then switch vessels in the mean time. But I've had random explosions occur as a result of doing that, so it might not work properly. Enneract is working on making the simulations into a separate module.

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Say I haven't sift trough all 78 pages to see if anyone asked this before, but is there a way to put crafts back into storage? like a ssto put it in the hangar and refuel it instead of completely pulling it apart and back together with a long construction time.

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Say I haven't sift trough all 78 pages to see if anyone asked this before, but is there a way to put crafts back into storage? like a ssto put it in the hangar and refuel it instead of completely pulling it apart and back together with a long construction time.

I need to put a "do not ask" section on the OP since this gets asked almost every page :P Short story is that I'm working on it but it's being a bit troublesome at the moment. Vessels and craft files have pretty different structures which can cause some interesting problems when going from one to the other, but the main issue currently is that relaunching the craft breaks the game :/

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So guess what! I managed to find some time this weekend to work on this and have gotten things to a point where it's mostly just fixing whatever bugs are remaining. Essentially the current state is like the KSP Experimentals phase. And that's where all of you come in. If you're willing to test out some potentially buggy code and want to have the last say in how new features work, the current pre-releases could use some testing. Head over to the development thread to download the pre-releases, see what's changed, and join the conversation. I can't possibly test everything myself (I rarely ever play KSP anymore :'( ) and so the more people we have testing the less bugs we'll have in release.

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It's just me, or does KCT really show empty build list on tracking station screen?

Mod works fine in all aspects, but on tracking station screen and only there build list is always empty.

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It's just me, or does KCT really show empty build list on tracking station screen?

Mod works fine in all aspects, but on tracking station screen and only there build list is always empty.

It's not supposed to :/ I'm curious if other people have seen that happen as well. I don't typically use the GUI in the Tracking Station, so I don't know if this happens or not.

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Like said above, i cant read the pages to know if it has been pointed out, but i created a game, built a bit and started over. When i created the new game, the cost for buying upgrades points was still what it was in the previous game even if it was a new game entirely.

Thanks for the awesome mod by the way, it really is a nice (runner up for nicest) addition to the feeling of immersion! :)

Good job!

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Like said above, i cant read the pages to know if it has been pointed out, but i created a game, built a bit and started over. When i created the new game, the cost for buying upgrades points was still what it was in the previous game even if it was a new game entirely.

Thanks for the awesome mod by the way, it really is a nice (runner up for nicest) addition to the feeling of immersion! :)

Good job!

That's just a visual glitch. When you click to purchase the upgrade it'll charge the correct amount and the next time you start the game it should display the correct amount. I've actually already got it fixed in the development versions :)

As for the issues with the Tracking Station, I'll check them out. It's probably a simple fix.

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That's just a visual glitch. When you click to purchase the upgrade it'll charge the correct amount and the next time you start the game it should display the correct amount. I've actually already got it fixed in the development versions :)

Did you fix both the fund-based upgrades overflow as well as the science-based upgrades overflow? (I know science-based overflow was mentioned earlier, but the fund-based also overflows after the Nth purchase. Where N is around 20-25 upgrades.)

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Did you fix both the fund-based upgrades overflow as well as the science-based upgrades overflow? (I know science-based overflow was mentioned earlier, but the fund-based also overflows after the Nth purchase. Where N is around 20-25 upgrades.)

I'm pretty sure I did. I haven't gone through and tested it (I'll do that now, I'm testing some other stuff), but I switched from ints to doubles, so that should take care of that. Also, the formulas that control those are configurable now ;)

Edit: Good thing I tested that! I'll have to make sure to warn everyone to delete the KCT_Formulas.cfg file when they update or else those will be broken.

Edit2: Just bought 78 upgrades. I think the overflow is pretty much taken care of. It will eventually overflow, but it's gonna be a LOT of upgrades before it does.

E3: Curiously, buying upgrades with science appears to be giving me the science. Oops! :D

E4: I think that bug is present in the released version as well... Probably since 0.25...

Also, the current dev version has a bunch of weird issues, like losing data :/ Though that's probably limited to MY dev version, not the public ones. Those ones just won't let you build anything because of an NRE. Oh, software development! :P

E5: I think I got everything to a working state and fixed some other longstanding bugs that I didn't even know about. Pretty satisfied with that.

Edited by magico13
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I just noticed something. The research are made in parallel and are not queued. Is it normal?

In case "yes": won't it be better to have "lines of research" just like the lines of production on the VAB and the SPH?

Btw research speeds' upgrades are a bit too strong.

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I just noticed something. The research are made in parallel and are not queued. Is it normal?

In case "yes": won't it be better to have "lines of research" just like the lines of production on the VAB and the SPH?

Btw research speeds' upgrades are a bit too strong.

I considered having science be serial like the VAB/SPH and I also considered requiring you to complete pre-req nodes before further nodes would progress. In the end, I preferred the current system. The R&D center is big. It's got a lot of people in it working on independent things all at the same time. More advanced technologies require more time still, but can also be worked on at the same time (though, realism should require them to be at a reduced rate while their pre-req nodes are still in progress). The VAB is also big, but so are rockets, and you can realistically only build a small amount of independent things at once.

If you find the research speeds to have too large of a jump, you can very easily change the formula that defines it in the KCT_Formulas.cfg file. The current formula for the node completion rate is "2^([N]+1) / 86400" where [N] gets replaced by the number of upgrades (essentially, 2^(N+1) science per 24 hour day, 86400 seconds are in 24 hours). You can change that to be whatever you want, and can even use to represent the science cost of the node (which could be used to make them all take the same amount of time by having higher cost nodes have higher rates). The next version of KCT supports min() and max() functions, along with natural logs and log base 10. For now you're limited to polynomials and exponentials, with max rates defined by a different setting.

Next version you can even define the entire build point formula for vessels and can make it mass based if you really want, rather than cost based, or some weird mix of the two.

Btw, the order of operations is left to right, but parenthesis are evaluated as soon as they're encountered. So that formula would be evaluated as (0+2)^(N+1)/86400. More complicated ones need to use parenthesis or careful arrangement. 1+1*2 = 4 by this system, not 3. 1*2+1=3 however, as does 1+(1*2).

Edit: Btw, if anytone's curious what's coming in the next version (and already exists in the development builds), here's the current WIP changelog for 1.1.5.

v1.1.5.0 (3/X/15)

New Features:

- The Most Requested Feature: Recovering directly to storage. Be warned that it likely has bugs, especially with mod parts. Requires manual refuelling of ships.

- KSC Upgrades now have time requirements associated with them.

- Several new formulae have been exposed for editing, including the entire BP calculation formula. KCT_Formulas.cfg must be deleted for this update.

- Rush builds 10% by spending 20% of the total vessel cost.

Interface Changes:

- Moved buttons in the build list to before the vessel name

- You can CTRL+Click the arrow buttons to move a vessel to top/bottom of the list

- Lines in storage are colored according to their current status

- Vessels that are rolled out can be launched from the Editor (should save a scene change for KK users)

- Crew Select GUI now displays Kerbal class and level

- Crew Select GUI options now persist

- Simulation time limit selection now persists per save. Defaults to infinite time if "free simulations" is active.

- Added support for CrewQ mod (enneract)

Bug Fixes:

- Added a popup that occurs when KCT doesn't load save data properly.

- Fixed issues with editing a ship past VAB/launchpad limits.

- Possibly fixed issues with costs being incorrectly calculated in some instances

- Made the launch tooltip not get stuck when pressing the launch button (enneract)

- Fixed several issues with upgrade point purchases/resetting.

- Fix loading a save after a crash during a simulation.

- Throttled editor recalculations to reduce lag, especially with procedural parts (enneract)

- Fix for Real Fuels boiling off during construction


- "icons" folder renamed to "Icons"

- Added min(x,y), max(x,y), l(x), and L(x) functions to math parser (l=natural log, L=log base 10)

Edited by magico13
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Recovering directly to storage. Be warned that it likely has bugs, especially with mod parts.

If it's buggy, Is it optional? Because it's very annoying, when you hard mode career brocken by bug in the mod.

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If it's buggy, Is it optional? Because it's very annoying, when you hard mode career brocken by bug in the mod.

Definitely! It's by no means a required feature for normal gameplay.

Also, the worst I can imagine happening is that some module that needs reset doesn't get reset, in which case you can still scrap the vessel or replace the part with a new version. I'm also setting it up so you can add additional modules that should be reset to a config file along with the values they should have when reset.

Currently engines, science equipment, and parachutes are reset.

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sorry for the extra work :blush:

btw, i've tested them and it seems that the install itself got corrupted, when i load the ships on the VAB they completely mess up, i have no flag (it is changed for a little kerbal, like when you load a ship that doesn't have all parts) and the stages doesn't load correctly, on a separate install with the same main mods and the very same vessel that doesn't occur though... seems like it was my install all along, sorry about that :blush:

You may wish to try jebretary, it keeps an archive of saves and craft so nothing is lost and if ever anything corrupts you can revert to any save from the moment you started running it up to now.

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You may wish to try jebretary, it keeps an archive of saves and craft so nothing is lost and if ever anything corrupts you can revert to any save from the moment you started running it up to now.

Other options are the S.A.V.E. add-on (backs up the entire save/ folder, including SPH/VAB/Assemblies files). And/Or KAC, which makes backup copies of the persistent.sfs and quicksafe.sfs files every time you jump to another craft via a calendar event.

There's also the "Previous Versions" tab in Win7 and later if you are making daily system restore points.

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I personally make a backup of my save folder every time I stop playing (which is once a week when I live stream) and only keep 1 or 2 backups at a time. I should just download/write a mod for it :P

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