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[1.4.1] Kerbal Construction Time (2018-03-24) - Unrapid Planned Assembly


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Are you clicking on the launch pad to launch the craft, if so that starts a simulation. Could definitely be KCT related since I made a change that sounds a bit like it could cause that, but would need a simulation file in the saves directory to cause it.

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I'd run many simulations before the launches, edited the craft after starting construction, and duplicated it. To launch I go the space center view then click the KCT icon, then VAB, and finally the Launch button next to the craft in question. Since it sounds like it might be an issue, I'll have a go at some cleaner reproductions and a log file later on.

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I might simply be missing something but after upgrading to 1.1.5 I no longer get the KCT button so I can't see what's in my build list or what's ready to be rolled out. Any ideas how I can fix this?

EDIT: NM. I found the icon. It's just now a solid white block instead of the icon I was familiar with. Not sure if I messed something up during the install that screwed up the icons graphic or what but at least I can launch my ships.

Edited by chrisl
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I'd run many simulations before the launches, edited the craft after starting construction, and duplicated it. To launch I go the space center view then click the KCT icon, then VAB, and finally the Launch button next to the craft in question. Since it sounds like it might be an issue, I'll have a go at some cleaner reproductions and a log file later on.

Alright, thanks. Sounds like you're doing everything properly. I wonder if I forgot to have the system delete the simulation file :/ I'll look into it and let you know if I find anything on my side.

Edit: Looks like it's still set to delete it whether it uses the new method or the old one. There is a chance of "overlap" of the two methods when going to the Space Center from a simulation that could maybe lead to the issue, but it appears as if the older method should happen first which should prevent the newer method from occurring.

I might simply be missing something but after upgrading to 1.1.5 I no longer get the KCT button so I can't see what's in my build list or what's ready to be rolled out. Any ideas how I can fix this?

EDIT: NM. I found the icon. It's just now a solid white block instead of the icon I was familiar with. Not sure if I messed something up during the install that screwed up the icons graphic or what but at least I can launch my ships.

The "icons" folder got renamed to "Icons" so if you just replaced the .dll (or only overwrote things in Windows, since Windows isn't case sensitive like literally every other operating system) then it won't have updated properly. You can either manually rename the icons folder to use a capital I, or can delete the one in your GameData folder and replace it with the one in the zip file. That should fix your issue :)

Edited by magico13
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I found the icon. It's just now a solid white block instead of the icon I was familiar with.

Sounds like you're using Active Texture Management and need an override to keep it from messing up KCT's icon. ATM's config files are perpetually out of date and so the first place I'd look. I don't have my KSP install handy, but I'm pretty sure I had to add an override file for KCT to ATM.

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Sounds like you're using Active Texture Management and need an override to keep it from messing up KCT's icon. ATM's config files are perpetually out of date and so the first place I'd look. I don't have my KSP install handy, but I'm pretty sure I had to add an override file for KCT to ATM.

That's actually why it changed to uppercase. Someone put in a pull request since apparently ATM won't compress things in folders called "Icons" but will when it's "icons" or something idiotic like that. I figured, "hey it's a small change and if it makes things easier then cool", but it's ended up being incredibly frustrating because Windows thinks they're the same exact folder but literally every other system doesn't. Made updating the github repo a nightmare. I eventually had to remove the folder, make a commit, then readd the folder and commit again just to get the stupid case to change :P KSP modding + streaming is the only thing keeping me from switching back to Linux full time. I do all my other programming in Linux, even for the game I'm working on.

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I didn't have time to report this last night, work got in the way, but I figured out how to recover a craft into KCT storage then refuel and relaunch, however, I eventually noticed that every craft I launched after that one recovery, had the real chutes on the craft set to the exact same pre and full deployment settings as chutes on the first craft I launched and recovered. This isn't an issue for me, as I personally edit each chute for each new craft I make, but if I loaded a previously used craft, KCT seemed bound and determined to use the old craft's settings, in a few cases, deploying too late, and with way not enough parachute to stop the descent before litho-braking occurred. I have never seen this behavior before with the previous version of KCT, and KCT was the only mod I updated last night, so I'm not sure what was going on. I'm going to plunk around with it some more here in about 5 minutes, and see if I can get a repro on this, and if so, get you out some log files and such.

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So I don't necessarily think that's entirely KCT's doing. KCT won't modify the default parameters of anything, but real chute is probably having their defaults messed up when loading the recovered craft (thinking that those values are some how "pristine"). It might be possible to fix with a change to the default template in the KCT_ModuleTemplates file, but it might be more a real chute issue.

I did warn that things might be a bit buggy, since KSP is really not designed to go from a Vessel to a Craft (but gladly goes the opposite direction). One other fun issue I forgot to mention is that planes will be randomly rotated 90 degrees so that they're pointed straight up. Just clicking on them in the editor is enough to fix that though, since they're stored with the correct rotation.

But yeah, if you can get me logs I'll take a look and see if there's anything I can do. I might also poke around in the real chutes source to see if there's an explanation on their side.

Edited by magico13
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I've been playing for a while now, and haven't been able to repro it yet, so I'm not sure what was going on. Could just be some random KSP weirdness. If it pops back up though, i'll send it your way.

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Hi Magico13,

i think i found a bug with the new recovery system.

Perhaps this was meant by you by wired issues?

I recovered a Plane, and only it's shaddow is shown when i try to edit it in the SPH.

Also all the categories seem to be merged to one.

I also can't change anything on the ship, because i don't see it.

Also the Numbers of symmetry and alignment degree steps have moved

Perhaps it is a problem with Editor-Extentions.

Perhaps you know this allready, otherwise i can try to give you more info.


you can see the saddow of the plane on the ground

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I've had vessels get placed in the ceiling before, but never anything quite so messed up. Can you get me the output_log.txt file from the KSP_Data folder, preferably after turning on the Debug Messages setting in the KCT settings? (Load up KSP, load the save file, turn on the setting in the KCT settings, then load the ship. Alternatively, if you've still got the log from that happening [aka, haven't restarted the game since then], that'll work as well) I'll see if I can find an error being logged. You've got a fair number of mods installed, so I wouldn't be surprised if things got messed up. Like I've mentioned a few times before, KSP isn't really set up to go back to a craft file from an in-flight vessel, so it's got quite a few quirks.

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Should be no problem.

I still had the game turned on. I now canceled the edits, enabled debug and started editing again.

I hope this helps you.

If i can help you more, please say so.

It's really an awesome mod.


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Sounds like you're using Active Texture Management and need an override to keep it from messing up KCT's icon. ATM's config files are perpetually out of date and so the first place I'd look. I don't have my KSP install handy, but I'm pretty sure I had to add an override file for KCT to ATM.

Got it fixed. Thanks.

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Should be no problem.

I still had the game turned on. I now canceled the edits, enabled debug and started editing again.

I hope this helps you.

If i can help you more, please say so.

It's really an awesome mod.

So this is likely what directly is causing things to get messed up:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ShipConstruct.SaveShip () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ShipConstruction.CreateBackup (.ShipConstruct ship) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at EditorLogic.SetBackup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at EditorLogic.Start () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

but I'm not totally sure why it's happening. There's an error mentioned with Real Chutes a little later that could be causing the problem (but more likely is a result of whatever the real problem is):

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at RealChute.ProceduralChute.OnStart (StartState state) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Part.ModulesOnStart () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Part+.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

My best guess is that the craft file that got generated is corrupted. I'd recommend scrapping it and rebuilding a new one (from the original saved version, pretty much always safe to do even if the generated craft is somewhat corrupt). If you see this happen again, send me the log. I'm curious if any errors are reported when the craft file is created :/

There's also this being reported every scene change. Perhaps you're missing a dependency for some mod, but that's not likely the cause either.

ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at KConfigDocumentationGenerator.GenerateAssemblyDocumentation (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at KConfigDocumentationGenerator.Generate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at KConfigDocumentationGenerator.OnLevelWasLoaded (Int32 level) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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Thank you very much for looking over it.

The thing you mentioned with the dependencies is possible, but it is a fairly new install through ckan, but still possible.

I will retry recovering this on the next flight and keep you up to date.

The second error can be related to the realchutes plugin, but not to a part itself, becuase there were only stock chutes (but using the plugin)

I also want to mention, that this was no: I have an error, plz fix it.

It was more meant like: I found this error, perhaps it helps you in combination with some other that may occur to find some problem.

Your support is really awesome. :-)

What just came to my mind:

I recovered a damaged Craft.

1 Controll Surface (placed via symmetry) was destroyed, perhaps that was a problem?

I don't know how you are converting the craft file back and if the symmetry information is lost.

If not, this could be an explanation for me, because it should be symmetric but isn't any more.

Sry if my english is hard to read, it is not my native language and i studied for about 10 hours until now ;-)

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no worries, your English is fine :) The stock chutes actually get replaced by RealChutes if you have ModuleManager installed (which is likely). It could be related to the craft being damaged. That is worth testing more. I'll try to help as much as I can, but all I can really do is examine log files and test things when I get home. Any testing you can do will help. It could be specific to a vessel, or could be specific to having a set of mods, or might be totally random!

When I get home later I will see if I can produce a similar problem.

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well you are right with the craft file being damaged

i thought: what would happen when i launch that:



I will see what i can do in terms of testing

i have exams the next 2 weeks

but i also have an error with far-even with a new install; but with mods- so perhaps i can test things together

edit: if you are interested, here is the new log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r5fdjedb3zljl5t/output_log2.txt?dl=0

- - - Updated - - -

another update:

i had a quicksafe from about 1 min before recovery

so i recovered again.

it seems to have somehow worked, but in an odd way

the craft is oriented in a 90 degree pitch angle (not a problem) but i can't edit it

i can't edit anything, or even move the craft

you see in the right corner, that the icon from the engine is moved in a way like it isn't attached


then i tried to add another engine to see how it behaves

as soon as i klick on the then engine icon, an engine is dropped right behind, but also unable to move

then i thougt, perhaps it misses a starting point, but same problem with a cockpit


i will now save the quicksave permanent for further testing :-)

recent log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vuhpzittkn29bie/output_log3.txt?dl=0

craft parts are nearly all stock

not stock:

antenna from remote tech

ejection module from vanguard

one more pice of information (don't know if it is important) : i am running on windows but i force opengl, otherwise i am out of memory while still loading ;-)

- - - Updated - - -

next update :D

my ksp crashed

after reloading and again trying to edit it, everything works (this was with the second recovery attempt)

seems to be a random bug

last 2 things:

1st: i launched it now (it was flipped pitch+90° on the runway) and recovered it again (was again flipped pitch+90° -while recovering it was standing on its wheels again)- so in both situations nose was showing upwards

when i click onto the cockpit in the editor, it immediatelly flips to "nose ahead", as it should be

2nd: when i have, for example, more tech researches, and i click onto "warp to" on one that will finish later, it will allways just timewarp to the next thing to occur.

is this intended, or a bug, or just can't be done in another way

was also happening before this update

Edited by BlueTiger12
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I'll take a closer look at those logs later to see if I can figure anything out from them. Glad that it's randomly sometimes working properly now, though! I've noticed the nose being pointed up thing myself and haven't figured it out yet. It seems to know that's not right, since clicking it in the editor resets it properly. I'll look into it a bit more, but it's not too much of a problem.

As for the second thing with research, it should be continuing past anything else and should warp to that one, so I'll look into that. Make sure you don't have the Force Stop Timewarp on Complete setting checked, and don't have Alarm Clock alarms being generated. The Alarms that are automatically made are only for the next thing to complete and will stop you from warping past them to something else. Next update should let you have more control over that.

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Thanks! I think I know what's causing it. It's likely because of how KCT interacts with RSS. I'll have to do some RSS related testing (maybe, just maybe, I'll finally take a look at Realism Overhaul and RP-0, since those guys have been really awesome to work with in the past). I think for now you're just stuck with not being able to use the Tracking Station for KCT. You can use Kerbal Alarm Clock to have alarms in place which should at least reduce the annoyance some. I'll try to get this fixed in the next update. Thanks for your help!

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Thank you. I have this bug from previous version, so I've already used to it. Fortunately, it only affects display, not mod's core functionality.

Actually, I use RSS only for their atmosphere rendering, that looks better than stock.

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Thanks! I think I know what's causing it. It's likely because of how KCT interacts with RSS. I'll have to do some RSS related testing (maybe, just maybe, I'll finally take a look at Realism Overhaul and RP-0, since those guys have been really awesome to work with in the past). I think for now you're just stuck with not being able to use the Tracking Station for KCT. You can use Kerbal Alarm Clock to have alarms in place which should at least reduce the annoyance some. I'll try to get this fixed in the next update. Thanks for your help!

I've got the same “issue†(it’s such a small thing that it doesn’t really bother me). I use RSS only for the atmosphere from ground from KSPRC, so I don’t think it relates to resizing the planets or anything like that.

Excellent update by the way - KCT’s now even more essential for me.

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