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Kicarus hiatus ends -- Lets do SCIENCE!


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Kicarus is the name of KASA's manned program -- not because we intend to fly too close to Kerbol, but because we're probably going to do something stupid.

VOYAGER EPISODE 1 -- Mission Briefing

Shepfrey's sacrifice on Ike yielded the science needed to develop ion power and the gravioli detector. KASA exploited this to develop the Knewton series of unmanned probes, greatly expanding science but giving the Kerbonaut korps little to do (side note: Knewton 3e has been flung out of Jool orbit into a comet-like orbit. It had been hoped that its little remaining fuel could be used at apoapsis to shape a course for Kerbol -- a non-lethal tribute to Kicarus. Sadly, the available solar power way out there can't even support the probe core. We'll see if Knewton thaws out in some 20 years).

But all that Knewtonian science has enabled an entire reboot of the orbital infrastructure -- the old "Starbase" stations have been deorbited, replaced by ZSS Proteus in LKO, center of space construction and crew management, and ZSS Farpoint just outside Kerbin's SOI, to serve as the refueling and refitting point for ZSV Voyager, which will conduct a manned exploration of the Kerbol system.

In addition to the usual lab and goo, Voyager features a probe for exploring moons, and the "science return module" or SRM, a small probe that will fly from Farpoint to Kerbin simply to return artifacts and their science while allowing Voyager to get back to its mission.

Farpoint station is in place, manned by Bob. The various modules have mostly been ferried to Proteus using the Kegasus vehicle.


All key parts are in place -- Voyager is almost ready for final assembly.


On the left, Voyager. At center, Proteus Station. Upper right, fuel module stack. Lower right, ATOM (Autonomous Thrust Obtaining Module).

Final calculations are under way as to the number of fuel modules will be needed to reach Duna. Jeb can't wait (we haven't been able to pry him out of his seat onboard since the science processing lab went up).

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VOYAGER EPISODE 2 -- To Duna and Back (well, MOST of the way back)

The boys at KASA decided that 3 fuel modules were enough for the Duna mission. ATOM began final assembly.



A last top-off of expendables.


At long last, Kerbals return to interplanetary space. Voyager gets under way.



Although Bob manages a Duna intercept, it's clear the KASA boys have slipped a digit on their fuel computations (strictly stock, no MechJeb -- my spreadsheet needs work. Recovering from a tumble induced by a combination of a flexible vehicle and physics warp didn't help). It's decided to settle for a flyby.



Last burn for transfer orbit to Farpoint -- last burn because we're totally out of fuel!


Luckily, Kegasus has been busy ferrying more fuel up to Proteus. A second ATOM is launched to rescue Voyager. No detailed computations this time, just applied MOAR fuel, and tried to save some with a Munar flyby. ATOM cut it a little close, but blasted above that mountain in the nick of time.




ATOM rendezvous with Voyager, and they limp toward Farpoint.




With this rendezvous comes a reunion of the Kercury Three. Jeb, Bob and Bill will be back together for the Eve mission (Bill's been awfully lonely out at Farpoint)!

Next episode, the Great Space Race!

Edited by SlowThought
Mixed up Bob & Bill -- again!
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Wait - you connected 6-7 modules using ordinary docking ports using no extra strutting or support _AND_ had the engines at the back? And the thing did not snap in half during acceleration? It must have been as wobbly as a Jello model of the Empire State Building!

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Unfortunately, Farpoint is a bit farther than I intended. It's drifted from near Kerbin to almost opposite from it around Kerbol. So, while Barmon slowly corrects that (and yes, Zylark, it wobbles madly even under ion power), I decided to dispatch the SRM prograde for Kerbin, and ATOM and its string of empties retrograde. No real planning, just hoped they'd arrive far enough apart for me to be able to manage the arrivals.

SRM is first away...


... with ATOM leaving just a few minutes later. It more than made up for the late start, arriving first in Kerbin space.


First order of business, get rid of the empties.



Next, return to Proteus to pick up more fuel modules, now upgraded with monopropellant and xenon tanks to replenish Voyager and Farpoint.


The SRM eventually shows up, and lives up to its initials, returning SCIENCE.





So the concept works. Off to Eve, next, with plenty of extra fuel modules, and plenty of wobbly fun.

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VOYAGER EPISODE 4 -- Quest for Funds

Ok, so I finally upgraded to 0.24, and suddenly I find that I don't have the funds, and more galling, not even the R & D, to build my standard refueling vehicle. But I do have all this infrastructure in space. A Minmus contract comes up, and I've got Voyager's probe just outside Kerbin's SOI -- a zero cost out of pocket contract, perhaps?

I eagerly depart from Voyager/Farpoint .



Soon I enter the Kerbin SOI.


Too much manoeuvring, warping past opportunities, and neglecting to take any photos, but I get my science above Minmus and make my way back to Farpoint.


Just in time! Almost all my Xenon is gone, and, wait, NO MONOPROPELLANT? The probe must have been sucked dry when I was manoeuvring the "tower of Jello" that is Voyager. My "eager departure" should have included a thorough preflight :mad:

Ok, ion powered docking? Let's do this!





Whoops, I missed. So ends attempt number 1. I've got to take this slow.




Docked after about 4 attempts! Now to extract the science. Bob EVAs to join Jeb in the processing lab.


Data processed and transmitted. Contract complete!


So now I've gotten full dress rehearsals with both Voyager probes, the SRM and the science probe. Still, making the Voyager project a paying proposition is definitely going to slow things down! Anybody know how hard it would be to edit the save to convert 0.24 career mode to science mode?

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