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Does FiOS have a Bandwith limit?


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I have been trying to find out if I have a monthly bandwith limit with FiOS, I don\'t pay the bills in my house.(I\'m 14.)

I have actually found that half the videos on youtube either end up freezing to a black screen often, is this just them doing something wrong or bandwith? I have asked my parents they have no clue about this, this is actually needed now so I can know if I can host a server.(Not web server that sort of crashed my PC...)

Well this post is like a paragraph long now...

Thanks in advance.

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Verizon is an Internet Provider. I\'ve only heard of Verizon having FiOs where I live.

Each company has different rules/regulations.

I\'m assuming it\'s just a Youtube thing you\'re experiencing though

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Sounds like a youtube problem, not a FiOS problem, FiOS residential service does not have set bandwidth caps.

That said, if you pull down enough data over the connection, eventually they will ask 'whats going on here' and you might have to ask some uncomfortable questions (especially if you\'re doing something like torrenting things you shouldn\'t be). They are most concerned about businesses using residential services for corporate use, but all major US ISP\'s will be cracking down on file sharing too in the next month or so be warned.

Whatever server you setup, I would recommend limiting it\'s access to your bandwidth. This will not only keep your parents from noticing your server because the internet is running slow for them (the server is using all the bandwidth), It will keep Verizon from bothering you as well (Unless you\'re pirating stuff).

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socket, what makes you say they\'ll be cracking down in the next few months? Was this announced somewhere? Just curious so I can see/read for myself.


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  Ydoow said:

socket, what makes you say they\'ll be cracking down in the next few months? Was this announced somewhere? Just curious so I can see/read for myself.


News.google.com has everything you need, just search it. Finding a reputable primary source might be hard though. We can save discussion of the subject for another place.

I just worry a bit for the kids parents when he says he wants to 'Run a server'. =P

Though, he probably wants to run a minecraft server the more I think about it, which would be completely harmless.

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I\'ve been trying to run a MC server for ages.

For some reason, I can never get my PC outside my internal network.

I\'ve done cooountless troubleshooting and followed guides to the letter.

I understand the process completely (port forwarding, firewall exceptions, external/internal IP Addresses), but some reason my server is just completely unseen past the router/modem (not sure which (or if either) is the issue).

I hate networking as a result :l Slight grudge against Verizon DSL as well.

I\'ll do a search for that on news.google.com (never heard of this google service before)

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  Ydoow said:

I\'ve been trying to run a MC server for ages.

For some reason, I can never get my PC outside my internal network.

I\'ve done cooountless troubleshooting and followed guides to the letter.

I understand the process completely (port forwarding, firewall exceptions, external/internal IP Addresses), but some reason my server is just completely unseen past the router/modem (not sure which (or if either) is the issue).

I hate networking as a result :l Slight grudge against Verizon DSL as well.

I\'ll do a search for that on news.google.com (never heard of this google service before)

It\'s quite possible that your ISP is blocking certain ports on inbound traffic. Many will block port 80 to prevent people from running webservers, so it\'s possible they are block a key port used by MC to prevent people from running servers. Chances are, running a MC server is against your ISP ToS anyway.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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It\'s quite possible that your ISP is blocking certain ports on inbound traffic. Many will block port 80 to prevent people from running webservers, so it\'s possible they are block a key port used by MC to prevent people from running servers. Chances are, running a MC server is against your ISP ToS anyway.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

Yep I\'ve even tried different ports :P

This even happens at a different house hold, different ISP. That would tell me it\'s an error on my end (which I\'m suspecting somewhere...), but I haven\'t found it yet. Ah well.

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  cteam said:

are you hard wired to the internet outlet or do you have a router

I\'m hard wired and right behind my router...

Anyways, I searched under there server ports and almost every MMORPG is on there so minecraft ports are not blocked.

I am hosting a minecraft server.

Also, does downloading a minecraft mod from a torrent count as 'something your not suppost to torrent'?

If they don\'t allow us to host servers I\'ll start looking for a VPS...

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  joey73101 said:

I\'m hard wired and right behind my router...

Anyways, I searched under there server ports and almost every MMORPG is on there so minecraft ports are not blocked.

I am hosting a minecraft server.

Also, does downloading a minecraft mod from a torrent count as 'something your not suppost to torrent'?

If they don\'t allow us to host servers I\'ll start looking for a VPS...

Copyrighted material constitutes stuff you aren\'t supposed to torrent. Music, Movies, Games etc. Freeware minecraft mods are perfectly fine to torrent. I think we all know what shouldn\'t be torrented, and I don\'t wish to encourage debate on the subject. This isn\'t the place for a bittorrent debate, so lets leave that minefield alone and we\'ll all be happier for it. ;D

I hope you get your Minecraft server up and running. I\'m afraid of starting with that game, lest I get sucked into it and die of starvation while playing it. I don\'t need 'died from playing minecraft for 72 hours straight' on my tombstone. :)

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  socket7 said:

Copyrighted material constitutes stuff you aren\'t supposed to torrent. Music, Movies, Games etc. Freeware minecraft mods are perfectly fine to torrent. I think we all know what shouldn\'t be torrented, and I don\'t wish to encourage debate on the subject. This isn\'t the place for a bittorrent debate, so lets leave that minefield alone and we\'ll all be happier for it. ;D

I hope you get your Minecraft server up and running. I\'m afraid of starting with that game, lest I get sucked into it and die of starvation while playing it. I don\'t need 'died from playing minecraft for 72 hours straight' on my tombstone. :)

I spend more time on there forums then actually playing MC...

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Well I just read the terms of service.

We aren\'t suppost to host web servers...

Hosting game servers is fine, but they strongly recommend making a bandwidth limit on the server or while its running the server will take up 80% of the bandwidth we can use at once.

Basically meaning I\'m not hosting a server.

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