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[1.1.2] Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.5.8


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  ozraven said:
Did you copy the ModuleManager DLL to your GameData folder? MM is now required to add KAS functionality to other parts.

Ah... Well, yes, I originally did. However, it was causing the game to hang right after I loaded it up (after the game "loads" all the parts into memory), so I deleted it. Didn't realize it was required. *sigh*

Yeah, for some reason, the game will just not go forward from that point when the MM dll is there. I'll try to put it back and take a snapshot.

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So, I just copied it back in. Sure enough, game crashed.

Snapshot of when it crashes:


Snapshot of the crash popup:


What files from the crash folder would you guys need?

*EDIT* - here, I just uploaded the entire folder:


Edited by asbrand
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It's a crash related to the win64 memory issues.

You won't get any support for any mod if you use this build. Crashes are just random. (Well, in this case, KospY didn't said anything about x64 support, but I guess it's implied).

Edit: you could give OpenGL a try (there's a thread about it in the "General" forum section).

Edited by Lilleman
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  Lilleman said:
It's a crash related to the win64 memory issues.

You won't get any support for any mod if you use this build. Crashes are just random. (Well, in this case, KospY didn't said anything about x64 support, but I guess it's implied).

Edit: you could give OpenGL a try (there's a thread about it in the "General" forum section).

Huh...ok then. Weird that the previous version of KSP and KAS worked fine with the 64-bit version. *shrug*

Guess I'll go download the 32-bit version.


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  Lilleman said:
It's a crash related to the win64 memory issues.

You won't get any support for any mod if you use this build.

Just went back through this thread, and looks like the MOD author has made many bug fixes for the x64 version.

Hopefully he can use my files above for a fix.

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  asbrand said:
Just went back through this thread, and looks like the MOD author has made many bug fixes for the x64 version.

Hopefully he can use my files above for a fix.

there is nothing in your crash related to KAS:

========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================
(0x0000000103A10000) ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0
(0x0000000029C1F76B) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): Planetarium:UpdateCBsRecursive (CelestialBody) + 0x2b (0000000029C1F740 0000000029C1F8A9) [00000000039C4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x0000000029C1F5F6) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): Planetarium:FixedUpdate () + 0xa6 (0000000029C1F550 0000000029C1F600) [00000000039C4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x0000000003E572DB) (Mono JIT code): (filename not available): (wrapper runtime-invoke) object:runtime_invoke_void__this__ (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) + 0x6b (0000000003E57270 0000000003E5734A) [00000000039C4D48 - Unity Root Domain] + 0x0
(0x000007FEECD136CA) (mono): (filename not available): mono_set_defaults + 0x2b8e
(0x0000000009F79BA8) ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0
(0x00000000FFFFFFFF) ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0
(0x00000000039C4D48) ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0

All of those " ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0" lines refer to code that is either a default part of unity or a default part of KSP. most mod makers, (including KAS) compile with debug symbols enabled, so those strings would be available if they were mod functions. Winx64 is notorious for this type of unexplained Unity/KSP crash when mods are added, which is why lots of mods, like Ferram and Module Manager don't support Windows x64.

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Module Manager is what is causing the crash. :) I remove it from GameData, and the game works fine (including KAS, just without being able to grab/attach stock parts) in the Win64 version. *shrug*

Not a big deal to me...I installed the Win32 version so I could use KAS and MM. I hope they iron out these Win64 bugs because I'd like to be able to use more memory for the game.

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  asbrand said:
Module Manager is what is causing the crash. :) I remove it from GameData, and the game works fine (including KAS, just without being able to grab/attach stock parts) in the Win64 version. *shrug*

Not a big deal to me...I installed the Win32 version so I could use KAS and MM. I hope they iron out these Win64 bugs because I'd like to be able to use more memory for the game.

soooo why would you think Module manager was causing the crash, when 1) the stack above does not include any module manager frames and 2) running in win32 allows you to continue using MM?

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Well, the "presence" of MM is causing the game to crash. I suppose it is a problem with the stock x64-bit game, or what have you. But, game works fine, including KAS, on 64-bit version, without MM present. You just can't grab and attach stock parts without MM present. Thought I made that pretty clear in my prior post.

Whether MM itself is buggy, or its mere presence trips a bug in the stock x64-bit game, the result is the same. With MM present, game crashes. Without it, x64-bit game works fine.

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  asbrand said:
[...]Whether MM itself is buggy, or its mere presence trips a bug in the stock x64-bit game, the result is the same. With MM present, game crashes. Without it, x64-bit game works fine.

Alternatively, there is a stock bug with Win x64, specifically around memory management above the 32-bit line, like every single mod maker has stated, and ANY mods that push the memory alloc above that line will "trigger" the stock bug, because that's what an Access Violation (0xc0000005) is; a bad memory access.

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I ran into a really weird but 100% consistent bug today with KAS. I have a Kethane mining operation, set up to be Kerbal-less by way of little KAS-based rovers I call "KAS Mice".


The whole system works perfectly and surprisingly does not run into any glitches... except for one very important point in the process. I discovered that each KAS Mouse has to be undocked from their parent craft and retracted entirely before either of the two parent craft leave the area. If either one is still out, once one of the parent craft gets past the 2.5KM render limit, most of the KSP interface just stops working. Specifically, quicksaving, vessel switching, and returning to the Space Center are all unavailable. There is a workaround for it (make sure all KAS winches are retracted before you have two distinct KAS-winch-equipped vessels get out of render distance), but I figured the developer of the mod might want to know about it.

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This definitely falls under the category of "not working as intended".


The winch, simply put, will not properly retract. Oh it puts on a good show of it, makes all the noises and sometimes even moves the winch itself inexplicably instead of the connector, but the actual connector is completely unaffected. This happened on about my fourth or fifth Kethane run, and I don't even begin to know what to do to fix it. I've tried messing with the interface, re-docking and changing how I separate the two master craft, even tried to take off with one of them (which caused the Kraken to take a sudden interest past 2.5km and did not affect the connector at all somehow). I can provide the save for dissection if necessary; the only mods I think is needed besides KAS for it to work are Kethane and TAC Life Support.

EDIT: Amazingly, I have solved this issue! Somehow the mass for the KAS.Winch2 models both got set to 1 microgram apiece. Setting them back to their proper mass of 0.1T fixed the issue.

Edited by SkyRender
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I'm trying to figure out how the pumping operation works, but can't quite seem to get it right. My setup looks like this:

<Empty tank><pipe end point> <===><pipe end point><ground pylon><===><pipe end point><full tank>

I see an option to "pump here" at each end point, but it doesn't appear to actually be pumping anything no matter where I enable it. Is there something else I could be missing?

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If you are using a custom addmodule.cfg, please update it to module manager patch file.

Could someone ELI5 how exactly this would be done? I have code that worked under the old addModule.cfg system for making MechJeb attachable but I'm at a loss regarding how I would patch MM to give MechJeb this functionality under the new system.


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  rskyhawk172 said:
Could someone ELI5 how exactly this would be done? I have code that worked under the old addModule.cfg system for making MechJeb attachable but I'm at a loss regarding how I would patch MM to give MechJeb this functionality under the new system.


You'll need to make a new .cfg file somewhere in your GameData directory. I suggest making a MyTweaks folder, where you can store your own .cfg files that are easily moved/backed up. However, once you do that, then you can adapt the old addModule.cfg format to a MM patch by following this example comparison:

stockPartName = batteryPack
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.00, -0.15)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
stateless = false
storedSize = 10
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = False
attachSendMsgOnly = False

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.00, -0.15)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
stateless = false
storedSize = 10
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = False
attachSendMsgOnly = False

Many parts may not have the 'stateless = false' and that's OK, you can leave it out safely. This example just happens to have it. (It means that KAS will store the state of the object, so that as in this instance, a battery stored in a KAS container cannot magically be recharged when you take it out again!)

KospY has documentation for every setting KAS recognizes, available at the KAS wiki, including KASModuleGrab which is what you're looking to configure.

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  Algiark said:
Just wondering, is it possible to attach KAS struts while in the VAB/SPH?

No, KAS struts cannot be linked in the VAB/SPH. However, the strut connectors can be preplaced so that they can be linked during EVA later. I usually do this and then use a regular strut for launch. Alternatively, marce's ActiveStruts may have the flexibility you desire, but without the need for EVA. Also, there are RoboStruts which work only in the VAB/SPH but are individually stageable.

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I have good news, after my long time absence, I'm slowly starting to have some free time as my professional training is near completion.

So, I want to share my last thoughts about the future of KAS, and what I plan to do for my come back.

First, let's talk about the next major version :

For the next update, I decided to focus my work on an overhaul of the container system. In fact, it's even more than an overhaul, it's a complete redesign with a lot of new features. To be simple, the goal is to create a inventory system.

This step is very important on my roadmap, as a lot of new features coming next will be based upon.

A prototype is already working, and I must say I'm pretty happy with the result thus far : it's a lot more user friendly and intuitive than the old system.

As you can see below, Bill is working hard to make a good inventory system :)


Some exemples of enchancement are :

-Drag and drop items/parts between storages or from the scene directly (grab)

-Tooltip and context menu for each items/parts

-Kerbal inventory !

-Kerbal can carry multiple items/parts

-You can do some action on items from the kerbal inventory (more on that later)

-Hopefully, adding grab module to each parts will no more be required, as part is no more attached on back and part size is calculated automatically from mesh volume. So it's now possible to pickup and store any part, as long as the container is big enough !

Now, the other point is that : I'm starting to be out of the scope of KAS, so I will surely do something important for this next update, split KAS in two mods : KAS (Kerbal Attachement System) and KIS (Kerbal Inventory System). KAS will include only the winches, strut and pipes stuff, and KIS will include only the inventory system, the containers and some items. This way, people that only want the inventory system or the winches system will no more be forced to get more than wanted.

I think people will be pleased by this change, but I'm waiting your feedback on this.

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I like the look of the inventory... i really am gonna have to stop playing on a small monitor though, so much screen estate is needed for all the mods i use! but yes, love it!

Also i think i've missed a trick somewhere, i was trying to climb a mountain with a rover and got it stuck. i had a few KAS attachments and things i thought might help me out of this jam. got the winch out walked it out to the max range - attached an anchor. dropped it and tryed to winch the rover to it... no dice, as far as i could make out the winch doesnt have the power to pull my rover uphill :( i also tried with a ground attachment point, but those seem to be strut useage only not winches... ah well... i resorted to using an ion drive to push me up the hill...

Have i missed a trick, is there a nice solution out there i havent found?

Also, are fuel lines "solid", the behaviour i've seen so far suggests they are. personally i think it would make more sense for them to be more like fixed length winch lines (set when you place them).

Either way, KAS is one of my more essential mods :) *hugs*

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I've hardly ever posted on these forums, but I had to dig up my login information in order to tell you that the inventory system looks brilliant. I can't wait to see what you do with it.

Edit: Apparently I've -never- posted on these forums, so that should give you an idea how much I like that idea.

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