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Biome Overhaul, biome specific contracts

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Its widely anticipated that other celestial bodies will be getting biomes...

Yet we already have more than enough biomes to max out the tree (even before contracts) right at home with Mun and Minmus.

Kerbin doesn't have "Eastern Mountains" and "western Mountains" and "Farside sea", just 1 unified "mountains" biome, and 1 unified "water" biome.

So I suggest combining:

East Crater

East Farside Crater

Farside Crater

Northwest Crater

Southwest Crater

Polar Crater

Twin Craters (maybe? it is a bit unique)

into a single "large Munar Crater" (or call it what you like) biome.

Combine the high and midlands craters into just "lesser Craters" biome

Do similar things with the flats of minmus.. just greater and lesser flats.. or just flats.

I think it would make it feel a lot less grindy I think.

It would also provide incentives to go to those other biomes on other celestial bodies (once added)...

And... while we're at it... I think there should be biome specific contracts... like "take surface sample of Duna's great canyon" or "analyse atmosphere of Eve's shores"

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IMHO whole tech tree needs an overhaul. Preferably in a way that forces people to make an interplanetary flight in order to research everything.

You say that it's possible to research every tech from Kerbin and it's moons?

No. It's possible to research every tech without ever making an orbital flight. Just sub-orbital "leaps" between the biomes and "landed"/"splashed down"/"flight"/"suborbital" contracts.

Currently it's a Kerbal Space Program without Space part. (One could argue it's without "Program" part too)

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In general, planets further from Kerbin need to be a better source of science points.

This way, even if the player could still max out things at Kerbin, a trip to another planet would speed things up so massively that the player would be encouraged to do it.

I think they already do. But you'd only need to go once or twice to get all the science you can get - not enough biomes. Surface samples give you the most science, I believe.

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Its widely anticipated that other celestial bodies will be getting biomes...

So I suggest combining:

East Crater

East Farside Crater

Farside Crater

Northwest Crater

Southwest Crater

Polar Crater

Twin Craters (maybe? it is a bit unique)

I disagree with the idea that they should be combined. Each impact was caused by a different object striking the mun. Each strike is different, and by studying each impact the Kerbals can (attempt to) determine what struck the mun. Also, I like having lots of different bioms.

I didn't quite read the rest of the message, but I think that having a different contract for each biom would be awesome. There should be a contract to take a surface sample from each crater.

The twin craters should actually be split into twin one and twin two (or something) and then have a contract to bring back a surface sample from each of them.

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IMHO whole tech tree needs an overhaul. Preferably in a way that forces people to make an interplanetary flight in order to research everything.

You say that it's possible to research every tech from Kerbin and it's moons?

No. It's possible to research every tech without ever making an orbital flight. Just sub-orbital "leaps" between the biomes and "landed"/"splashed down"/"flight"/"suborbital" contracts.

Currently it's a Kerbal Space Program without Space part. (One could argue it's without "Program" part too)

Most new players aren't aware of this fact without doing research.

Most players who are aware of this fact aren't going to make the effort to stay on Kerbin.

Personally, I love visiting other planets so I'm going to do so.

The contracts will get people to visit other planets.

If people want to play 'science mode' and never leave Kerbin, that's their thing... I say let them. Doesn't hurt me any.

No one says you should go collecting all the science that way.

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