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Minotaur 5 Challange Revisited


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Here is a new twist on NASA's Minotaur 5 program for KSP. After the success of those that built a low cost version that did more then expected, the new challenge will take a twist that it has to be done in 0.24.2 Career.

The Challenge, Build the Minotaur rocket and fulfill the Mun exploration contract with it.


The rules;

1. Start a new Career program

2. Your rocket is required to use the S1 SRB KD25, the big NASA design SRB pictured above.

3. The Round 8 fuel tank and LV-1 needs to be used on the payload stage.

4. You must unlock all parts needed for the mission. No using contract for testing the parts needed before you unlock them.

5. No cheats such as hacking science points so you can unlock the parts needed.

6. You must have the Mun Exploration contract. While it should appear in plenty of time for the mission, if you land Jeb on Mun to get science points, it may not show up in time.

The goal;

Conduct the Munar exploration contract with the Minotaur 5. The payload consisting of the Round 8 fuel tank, LV-1, probe core, batteries, solar panel, science instrument, antenna, is easily landed on Mun, landing gear is not needed. There is more then enough fuel for the Mun orbit and landing.


Ranking consists of who can get there first under the restraints of unlocking the needed tech to complete the mission. Proof will be a photo of the Minotaur 5 launch vehicle, probe on Mun with the contract showing the mission stats as completed, and a third photo from the tracking station showing the date and time of your space program with the Minotaur probe landed on Mun.

If there is a tie, the lowest cost, and or,fuel left in the Round 8 will be used as the tie breaker.

Edited by SRV Ron
typos and clarification
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Just a note and bump. If you have the Mun Contract and send Jeb to do science, land, get science and a sample and return, you will be unable to complete the challenge since the contract will have been completed. If Jeb, or a probe, goes to Mun before the contract shows up, you may never get it. Place Mun off limits until you can send the Minotaur 5 there. Jeb can go to Minmus for the science points instead. A Too Hot thermometer, which you can unlock quite early, is all the scientific instrument that will be needed for the mission. To fulfill the contract, transmit the data back to Kerban.

Orbit Mun, get a temperature reading, transmit back the data, land on Mun, transmit the data and get a screenshot showing the contract completed. Then, to log the total time of your space program once the mission is complete, get into the tracking station where the date and time of your space program, not the mission date and time, will be displayed along with the status of the Minotaur rocket on Mun.

Edited by SRV Ron
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The big challenge is getting the science points to unlock the tech as quickly as possible. That makes exploration a high priority followed with contracts that yield science points. With Mun off limits, the next closest high yield biomes are on Minmus some 7 to 14 days away. Several flights need to be launched at one time to cut the total time to wring out all the science available there in the shortest time. Currently testing out how quick I can get this done.

I can easily see this challenge taking several real days of playing or quite a few hours to reach the goal of unlocking the parts required for the challenge.

With the scrounging for all the science points possible from Kerbal, I have noticed a host of new contracts coming up that, combined with goo canisters and the material bay, yielded a bunch of money and science points on one orbital flight alone. ( test launch clamps, test LV-45, test SRB, set altitude record, reach space, all on one flight.) Also turned a bunch down for the time being as they become too time consuming.

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