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I need some math help STAT!


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I need some help with some stuff from my calculus class! I've been trying to figure these out but can't get them right!!! If its past 5 on the second of September don't bother reading further. I wasn't sure where to post this so please don't yell at me and/or move it if you can! PANIC!

I've been looking at this question for some time and I have not gotten much done apart from messing with the sin function! I would really like to know how I set this up!

A population of animals oscillates sinusoidally between a low of 500 on January 1 and a high of 1000 on July 1. Graph the population against time and use your graph to find a formula for the population P as a function of time t, in months since the start of the year. Assume that the period P of is one year.

I've also been working on this for the past hour and have almost no clue what to do! Please help!

Poiseuille's Law gives the rate of flow, R , of a gas through a cylindrical pipe in terms of the radius of the pipe,r , for a fixed drop in pressure between the two ends of the pipe. (a) Find a formula for Poiseuille's Law, given that the rate of flow is proportional to the fourth power of the radius.

Edited by DerpenWolf
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For number 1, https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110831143528AARLuvg

For number 2, https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090903155233AAjQcJS

Since I was rusty on my calculus, I just put the word problems in to Google and found a similar problem. The answers will be different, but it is the same type of problem and can be solved the same way.

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For number 1, https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110831143528AARLuvg

For number 2, https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090903155233AAjQcJS

Since I was rusty on my calculus, I just put the word problems in to Google and found a similar problem. The answers will be different, but it is the same type of problem and can be solved the same way.

Thank you so much... The funny thing is I got a response on the KSP forum before I got one on a math forum on which I made a post much earlier... I love it how the KSP community is so effective even if you did just google it!!

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For your second question all its asking for is to find a formula called the Poiseuille Equation that contains an R4 term. Which the standard form of that equation does.

Its also called Hagen-Poiseuille, and volumetric flow rate is normally expressed as Q, not R.

Edited by Seret
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Why would one use a volumetic equation to describe a 2 dimensional process?

What book are you using ?!

I happen to be good at math - at one time... I didnt look at the answers.

Sinusoidal is 2-d; a sine wave - looking at the question I see actually a modulated sine wave with 1/2 period for one year with the peak at half the year. Translating you have a proportion 1000/500 or 2/1. SInce it is a sine wave... you have

y = A sin (x) where A=2 - lol I am probly wrong I need to go back lol - I am in the process of setting up my electronics lab so I should know this stuff.

Ahh... P=y x=t ...>>> hence P=2sin(t) errr sumthin like that...I think '2' sets the MAX so if you do a derivative you get a max of y=2 - in this case 2 = 1000 haha - its just my play...

I actually study Scalars and Vectors and how they apply to electromagnetics...:)

Cmdr Zeta

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