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A silly challenge on Gilly

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Have you ever wondered how powerful an RCS thruster is? Probably not, because it is tiny and therefore weak. Have you ever wondered how strong Gillies gravity is? Probably not, because Gilly is tiny and therefore weak. But have you ever wondered how powerful the tiny RCS thruster on Gillies weak gravity is?

Well now you probably do. But is there a way to satisfy your curiosity? Yes!

I present you the Silly Gilly Challenge. It is really simple: Land the most mass on Gilly using nothing but the RCS engines!

Well, it's not that simple. Here are the rules:

- Use the RV-105 RCS Thruster Block or the Place-Anywhere 7 Linear RCS Port as your main engine (Each part counts as one engine).

- In order to prevent people from building drop pods, use the SC-9001 Science Jr. as landing gear. (yes, it's a silly rule, but otherwise the landing part is not a real challenge)

- Start from a circular, 20 km orbit around Gilly (Periapse greater than 20000 m). How you get there is not important (hyperedit it there if you must), although full mission reports are always welcome.

- Land on Gilly, plant a flag, do science, be silly.

- Return the craft to a circular, 20 km orbit around Gilly.

- Calculate your score: Weight of your craft (m) minus all the mono-propellant that is in tanks (f) (Mono-propellant in crew cabins must not be used!) divided by the number of engines (n)

or, to put it simply: (m-f)/n. Note: Massless parts do not count toward your score, so KER readouts must be double checked!

- If anything breaks off, it does not count as part of your craft.

- The cheat menu (eg. part clipping, infinite fuel, etc.) is forbidden and will get you sent to Eve.

Here is my own attempt:

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My score is:

Mass of vehicle: 20*0.2 + 3*3.5 + 2 * 0.5625 + 6*0.235 + 4.54 = 21.575 Note: Struts, Engine and Solar Panels do not count.

Mass of Monopropellant in Tanks: 6*0.16 = 0.96

Number of Engines: 1

Score: 20.615

Good luck :D

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