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How to build a 6 wheel rover?

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this may seem like a silly question, but...

how do I go about building a 6 wheel rover? You see, since I I locked the science parts that allow me access to various sets of wheels and the rover base I've been mystified as to how to add more than two wheels to the vehicle, seems that I can only add a pair of wheels in the center of the rover base and all other wheels come out at angles. Did I forget to add a piece?


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Yeah, the SPH tends to be better for rover building.

Be aware that you can't include the first part you placed in a subassembly. So rather than starting with the probe core or pod, start with say an octagonal strut and build off that. However the next part you place attaches is how it will also attach to your rocket, keep that in mind. If you're not used to subassemblies, I suggest knocking up some rough-and-ready rover designs and checking you can fix them to your launcher OK, before you spend ages on a fully polished rover.

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Yeah, the SPH tends to be better for rover building.

Be aware that you can't include the first part you placed in a subassembly. So rather than starting with the probe core or pod, start with say an octagonal strut and build off that. However the next part you place attaches is how it will also attach to your rocket, keep that in mind. If you're not used to subassemblies, I suggest knocking up some rough-and-ready rover designs and checking you can fix them to your launcher OK, before you spend ages on a fully polished rover.

This isn't actually true. You can use the root part in a subassembly, you just have to have an open node on the root part.

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This isn't actually true. You can use the root part in a subassembly, you just have to have an open node on the root part.

Am i about to learn something new?! you can just select the whole ship by the root part and save it as a sub assembly?! How have i never tried that before. I've always started with a throw away piece as the root part and then break off the part i want to sub assembly. Very interesting!

As for the OP. SPH is the way to build rovers. It gets far too tedious in the VAB. Turning off angle snap can help with some stubborn wheels that show up at funny angles. just have to work at getting them level with your other wheels.

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guys i think he is talking about the 'rover base' object.. you know, that tiny white box that most of us probably never used because it's kind of useless?

I actually found that part to be handy ... it bridges MOST of the distance between parts when they're connected by a Rockomax hub, and the rest you can get away with by ladder placement...

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In the VAB the rover wheels will snap on at odd angles if you have the angle snap on. You want that to show a circle rather than a hexagon. When you do that the wheels will place on opposite corners aligned to the rover body, then if you want 6 wheels you add two pairs to opposite corners and a pair in the middle.

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Am i about to learn something new?! you can just select the whole ship by the root part and save it as a sub assembly?! How have i never tried that before. I've always started with a throw away piece as the root part and then break off the part i want to sub assembly. Very interesting!

As long as there is an open node on the root part of your sub assembly you are fine. The easiest way is to use a structural element (Like a girder) as a sacrifice root, but with careful designing you can use your original root part.

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