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Texture not appearing/working in game

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This was my first mod so i didn't expect it to work first time, the game will load up fine and it loads the model with its collider but but the textures are all messed up. A couple of the textures load fine, the rest are either using the wrong section of the UV map or just don't load at all. The strange thing is the texture loads fine in blender and unity so im stumped as the the problem, here what im seeing in ksp


and this is what im seeing in unity and blender


no collider


with collider


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are the textures all in the same folder as MU file?

it looks like it's pulling the incorrect texture on the main structure. the incorrect texture has alpha, making part of your ring invisible.

you can use MODEL{} to assign mesh and texture directly

model = mymod/part/stargatering //full path to your mesh
texture = texure, mymod/part/stargatetexture1 //texture referred to by the MU, full path to texture you want to assign. repeat texture line for all the textures in the model

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my best guess is you have in unity more then one material defined for this part.

click your part in unity, look in the hierrchy for the line where it says


size = 2 and change that to 1

If my guess is right, that should fix it..

Please: next time you post screen shot, select your part first so we can see the settings in the screenshot.

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it's probably missing a texture.

try it without the texture = lines

model = full path to your model from Gamedata

if the model looks the same as your first screenshot; then you know the model is not getting the correct textures. Use KSP Diffuse shader to start with until the textures look correct; then change to the shader you need.

Edit: Good call philotical

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I'm pretty confident I know what this is. You have more than one material to a mesh in blender maybe. I had the same problem. Here's my thread.


edit: Here's a pic. You can't have more than one material listed in the table on the right. If you jointed parts together it might have caused this problem without you knowing.


Edited by clown_baby
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