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Hatch Obstruction

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I know this has been talked about SO much, I've read and reread every post concerning it. Problem is, conflicting information. One says do this, other says don't do this, and most people even admit that there is so sort of voodoo involved. After hours of trial and error, I'm about to try the voodoo, but can't seem to find a live chicken anywhere.

So, I have two pods and can't get the hatches on either of them working. I've tried every suggestion I've seen on the forum. Origin at 0,0,0, above 0,0,0, below 0,0,0, hatch mesh only intersects with one mesh, no meshes, multiple meshes. I just can't see to get these things to work. They always seem to result in "obstruction" errors. Anywho... here's the info screen shots.

Pod 1 (Altair Ascent Pod)

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Pod 2 (Unnamed Ascent Pod)

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set airlock and ladder to Part Triggers layer 21

no need for node_airlock or node_ladder parent, just the capsule collider will be enough. reset their scale to 1,1,1. place them by moving the transform. adjust radius to about 0.5; height to ~1

and cross your fingers, hope it works. :)

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set airlock and ladder to Part Triggers layer 21

no need for node_airlock or node_ladder parent, just the capsule collider will be enough. reset their scale to 1,1,1. place them by moving the transform. adjust radius to about 0.5; height to ~1

and cross your fingers, hope it works. :)

Thanks! That worked with Pod 1!

Pod 2.... well, not yet. I'm still playing with it.

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