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Make scale of solar system a configurable difficulty setting

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I know planetsize is on the not to suggest list, but in recent discussions I got the feel I need to suggest it anyways.

First of all I'm playing 10x RSS/RO, 6.4x Kerbin System and 1.0x StarSystems. So I know what I'm talking about.

I want to discuss my suggestion of making planetsize configurable as a difficult option. Because stock is fairly simple and can give some wrong assumptions about astrophysics and rocketscience, BUT stock is also fun and can give you the possibility of making cool things like giant space stations or space ships. Stock is a very good entry point for newcomers, who have no idea what they are doing and probably don't even know how something get's to space properly.

So on the other hand stock gets pretty easy over time and leaves wrong assumptions about how physics work and how hard it is to get things to orbit. So here something like 6.4x(without TWR/ISP overhaul) or even 10x(with TWR/ISP overhaul) comes in. This is for experienced players who aren't into modding. (There are a lot of people, who don't even know about mods or more frightning some people don't even know there is a community with forums. And some people are afraid of modding.)

There maybe should be another option somewhere in between, because the jump from stock to 6.4x/10x is pretty hard even for experienced stock players. 3.2x is a pretty good step in between.

I would name these options 1.0x: "Arcade"; 3.2x "Advanced"; 6.4x "Expert"; 10x "Realistic". This gives people the possibility to get a good entry point, but doesn't leave false impressions about physics and difficulty in rocket science, because they know they only play "Arcady style" difficulty.

When they start understanding orbital mechanics, orbital insertion, landing, aerobreaking and so on, they can start moving on to greater challenges.

Please leave your opinion. I started this thread, because some people complained about giving people false impressions with unrealistic difficulty and physics in the 1.0x stock system. I agree with them, but since it is a game I want people to have fun and a fairly realistic (on a gameplay/balance point) start into the hard world of rocketscience.

Edited by Jhonny007
better title
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