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Install only part of a mod?


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Dear Members,

Im not 100% keen on the stock Lunar Module legs and wanted to know for example. If i say downloaded the FASA Mercury to Apollo pack and say i just wanted the Gemini lander legs (the gold ones) only. Is it possible to drag and drop those into the KSP GameData folder and then use them? Or would that not work?

If it is possible, would some one be kind enough to explain to me in simple terms how i would go about getting those legs into kerbals without installing the whole pack.

Thanks all.

Edited by sumghai
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There happens to be a very handy little text file included in the FASA folder that is titled "How to Delete Parts.txt" There is even a pretty handy example that Frizzank gives that tells how to do so. Read this file and you should be able to figure it out.

That being said, since the landing legs are pretty simple parts with no complicated modules that aren't in the stock game, you can pretty much ignore the warnings at the end of the text file that warns you against deleting the folders that he lists. None of these apply to the landing legs file and can be safely deleted without fear of breaking the part. That being said, if I got something wrong and it turns out that deleting these does break something, you can always just put them back in.

tl;dr: Just delete every folder besides the folder FASA_Gemini_Lander_Leg_Part and you should be good.

EDIT: After testing by following exactly what I said at the end, this works perfectly.

Edited by Razgriz1
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