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The Not-Rockomax Micronode needs a massive buff

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now that my thread title has caught your eye, let me explain.

I think its stats, mass and tolerances, all that, are fine. if they aren't, I don't know, I'm not a state licensed botanist or whatever...

What needs a buff is it usefulness.

It needs the following changes:

-we cant place it radially. WHY?

-we cant place it on a small cubic. WHY?

-I cant place a micronode on a micronode. WHY?

Give it these features and I would love to use it. Even now I still haven't ever used it, because anytime I have an idea for it I can't place it where I want.


Edited by r4pt0r
I miss saw something.
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-we cant place it radially WHY?

Because it is not indended to be attached radially. Use Radial Attachment Point or similar part to make radial attach points.

-once placed, we can't even place the small cubic on it. WHY?

Oh sure we can, but you need to attach it right. Only top or bottom attach point can be used to attach it to the ship, other points are for other things to be attached to it.

-I cant place a micronode on a micronode. WHY?

Same problem, same reason. Notice your "placed" micronode is transparent in your picture. Just rotate it to use the right attach point and it will all be fine.

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Ok, I can simulate it being placed radially by sinking a cubic strut inside a fuel tank, I was admittedly not patient enough before.

but even still, you cant attach much to it, and for no discernible reason.

cant use RCS thrusters on it

nor can you place science equipment

or even batteries

I just feel that this part in particular is terribly restrictive, and I would love to use it. aesthetically, its a great part.

thanks for the pointer on having to use the top/bottom nodes kashua

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I think i only used it like... 3 times... 2 were for making a helicopter with a hollow middle, for placing seats!, 1 was for a rover.

I really agree with the OP, they should atleast make them be atachable from all sides and make stuff be able to be placed on them, such as batteries and RCS ports.

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If you want a block outside the tank to which you want to attach other things raidally, you can use cubic octagonal strut or some other part of suitable shape. Purpose of the micronode is to provide attach points in right angles. It is compatible with I-beams so you can build rectangular structures with I-beams and other parts with it. The drawback is, the attachment is not very strong and such structures can start vibrating and self-destruct easily if they're not strutted against deformation.

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It would have been better if we have more than one ugly and big radial attachment point :(.

Plus this mini cube and the rockomax hubmax may have some special mark on top/bottom face to let people know where it can be attached instead of either fighting to get the right face in the right place or just put all those parts in a big dump and melt them all for good.

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