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Change tank resource


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Hi all guys,

I'm new to the forum, but no so new with KSP. :)

Please, could you tell me if exists a mod that can change the resource a tank can store?

In short, I'm looking for something like "Modular Fuel Tanks" but usable while flying.

I mean, for example: I reach Mun with a lander, and after the landing I would like to store in the empty fuel tanks (or partially empty) other resources, as Waste or Food. Total volume of tanks is not changed, but empty space is now used to store other things rather than fuel/oxidizer.

I also tried to play with the Modular Fuel Tank source code, in order to add the button "Show GUI" also during the flight. But without any success.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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FireSpitter's FSfuelSwitch module allow such thing, take a look at the documentation, you just need to edit config file yourself or use a Module Manager "patch" to do it.

But that just like Modular Fuel Tanks you still have to change the total mass to make it work so your still not using the empty space.

Edited by Mecripp2
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Thank you for the replies, guys.

I'll check the FireSpitter's module.

I have to understand about the total mass. Actually, my goal is to use the total volume of tanks. Of course, if I'm only relocating resources I have in my ship, the mass will not change, but diferent is if I'll mine Karbonite or other.

Quite confused! :)

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Well, I tried doing something.

I have to set max tank resource capacity, but is a static setting.

FSFuelSwitch also puts the max amount for the resource, while switching tanks. So, I'm not really managing the empty space.

Maybe it's possible to override this, but I have no skills for that.

Anyway, thank you for the suggestion.

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Ok, updates.

I modded the MFT source, and obtained the Tank GUI also in Flight Mode.

The only problem: when I modify the tank volume distribution, in flight mode, the volume available remains at maximum. While in VAB (Editor) mode, the volume available auto-updates.

Here the modded parts code:

        #region GUI Display

//[KSPField(isPersistant = true)]
public bool dedicated = false;

[KSPField(isPersistant = false, guiActiveEditor = true, [COLOR=#ff0000][B]guiActive = true[/B][/COLOR], guiName = "Show Tank"),
UI_Toggle(enabledText = "Tank GUI", disabledText = "GUI")]
public bool showRFGUI;

private static GUIStyle unchanged;
private static GUIStyle changed;
private static GUIStyle greyed;
private static GUIStyle overfull;
public static string myToolTip = "";

private int counterTT;
private Vector2 scrollPos;

private void OnPartActionGuiDismiss(Part p)
if (p == part)
showRFGUI = false;

private void MarkWindowDirty()
if (_myWindow == null)
_myWindow = part.FindActionWindow();
if(_myWindow == null)
_myWindow.displayDirty = true;
private UIPartActionWindow _myWindow;

[PartMessageListener(typeof(PartChildAttached), relations: PartRelationship.AnyPart, scenes: GameSceneFilter.[COLOR=#ff0000][B]AnyEditorOrFlight[/B][/COLOR])]
[PartMessageListener(typeof(PartChildDetached), relations: PartRelationship.AnyPart, scenes: GameSceneFilter.[COLOR=#ff0000][B]AnyEditorOrFlight[/B][/COLOR])]
public void VesselAttachmentsChanged(Part childPart)

[PartMessageListener(typeof (PartEngineConfigChanged), relations: PartRelationship.AnyPart, scenes: GameSceneFilter.[COLOR=#ff0000][B]AnyEditorOrFlight[/B][/COLOR])]
public void EngineConfigsChanged()

public void OnGUI()
EditorLogic editor = EditorLogic.fetch;
[COLOR=#ff0000][B] //if (!HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor || !editor || dedicated) {[/B]
[B] // return;[/B]
[B] // }[/B][/COLOR]


Rect screenRect;
Rect tooltipRect;
int posMult = 0;
if (offsetGUIPos != -1)
posMult = offsetGUIPos;
if (editor.editorScreen == EditorLogic.EditorScreen.Actions && EditorActionGroups.Instance.GetSelectedParts ().Contains (part))
screenRect = new Rect(430 * posMult, 365, 438, (Screen.height - 365));
tooltipRect = new Rect(430 * posMult+10, Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y, 300, 20);
else if (showRFGUI && editor.editorScreen == EditorLogic.EditorScreen.Parts)
screenRect = new Rect((Screen.width - 8 - 430 * (posMult+1)), 365, 438, (Screen.height - 365));
tooltipRect = new Rect(Screen.width - 230 - 430 * (posMult+1), Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y, 220, 20);
showRFGUI = false;

GUI.Label(tooltipRect, myToolTip);
GUILayout.Window(part.name.GetHashCode(), screenRect, GUIWindow, "Fuel Tanks for " + part.partInfo.title);

Any suggestion is welcome!

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