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[0.16 ish] The Truss Pack - Rugged parts for any eventuality! *2.0 NEARING RELEASE!*


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Right, done an adaptor from the 1m (ish) (command pod) size to the larger 2m (ish) size, and just finished and testing a little radial (0.5m) tank on a strut with nodes going up and down. It should be good for munar cargo landers, allowing cargo to be mounted on a decoupler below and centre, if that makes sense? I\'ll put some images/videos up soon.

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Right, done an adaptor from the 1m (ish) (command pod) size to the larger 2m (ish) size, and just finished and testing a little radial (0.5m) tank on a strut with nodes going up and down. It should be good for munar cargo landers, allowing cargo to be mounted on a decoupler below and centre, if that makes sense? I\'ll put some images/videos up soon.

Oh god release what\'s made so far, shit looks fucking awesome!

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Well, I have basically no coding experience, so unless a suitable plugin comes out, a separate spinning ring is a bit ambitous for me...

If anyone wants to make a plugin that allows continuous full rotation, I\'de be thrilled :D

However, if you\'re making a station, you could just spin the whole thing. It would probably be more practical, if a little less fancy. I\'d certainly like to add a ring part :)

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Well, I have basically no coding experience, so unless a suitable plugin comes out, a separate spinning ring is a bit ambitous for me...

If anyone wants to make a plugin that allows continuous full rotation, I\'de be thrilled :D

However, if you\'re making a station, you could just spin the whole thing. It would probably be more practical, if a little less fancy. I\'d certainly like to add a ring part :)

I think I could make a centrifuge part. Activate stage, part starts rotating. Maybe even include keys to control the speed!

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Hmm, they could be a bit heavier, you\'re right. They\'re meant to be big (2m x 2m after all)

I was under the impression that with fuel tanks, weight was decided by the fuel in them. The dry mass is more than double stock...

Perhaps I misapprehend the situation. Anyhoo, I\'ll increase the weight for the next release. And I like that ship!

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Hmm, they could be a bit heavier, you\'re right. They\'re meant to be big (2m x 2m after all)

I was under the impression that with fuel tanks, weight was decided by the fuel in them. The dry mass is more than double stock...

Perhaps I misapprehend the situation. Anyhoo, I\'ll increase the weight for the next release. And I like that ship!

No, you set the fuel, mass, and dry mass completely independent of one another.

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Novasilisko, thanks for clearing that up :)

And Aegrim, I\'ll add a solar shield to my \'to do\' list :D might not be quite as huge as the icarus\' though :P

lol dude it was just a joke, since I\'ve been trying to make one http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=8675.0

The rotating habitat module would be a million times more useful and reusable. Would be very cool.

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Yeah, the pack is baller as hell, very nicely done, just a tad imbalanced (I landed a single stage rocket on the moon with 2/3 of my fuel left, and then spent like 15 minutes using mechjebs vertical speed mod to hover around on the surface a bunch :V)

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Well, I\'ve retuned the 2m and 1m, and while they still have a slightly better weight to capacity ratio than stock, they are much closer to stock than before (from about 12% of the weight of stock to about 80%)

I\'ve haven\'t got time to test, but I\'ll re-upload.

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