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Component Space Shuttle V 5.0.1 (July 14, 2013)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I really do apologize for this, but I simply haven\'t had the time to play KSP. I\'ve been very busy as of late. I promise, as soon as I get the chance, I\'ll release some fixes.

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I really do apologize for this, but I simply haven\'t had the time to play KSP. I\'ve been very busy as of late. I promise, as soon as I get the chance, I\'ll release some fixes.

Hey thanks man, We really apreciate it. this is the only decent shuttle mod on here :P

you come and play some more KSP. It\'s really beginning to get awesome! :)

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Gewd day, Sir! :3

I have a tiny, yet rather bothering, and at times, minor annoyance problem on the Rage-Quit scale, and I would be rather happy if someone were able of helping me XD

Well, without further adue, here is my problem:

I have downloaded the CSS, with no problems at all, and thought that I might try building the thing...everything clips on nicely until I try to put the wings on...it seems that either the nodes are disabled, or not capable of connecting! I have tried to use other parts on the fuselage to check if the node is operational, which it is... even the node on the outer, back, end of the wing works fine... what is wrong/am I doing wrong?

Thank you in advance^^

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Dude...PLEASE read the Comments further back in the thread. This has been problem since .15 Cepheus (the current mod "controler') is trying his hardest to find time to fix this mod. But like all talented people, he's in demand at the min. You should use the supplied craft file and it shouldnt be a problem.

NOTE TO CEPHEUS... Not sure if you saw the thread but jordancox has officially ended his SLS/ares pack and has made a strict point of making sure people don't use his stuff. Hopefully this doesn't effect the CSS seeing as the SRB's are of his design (although modified to a different aspect ratio). Anyway hope you keeping well fella, and no rush on the update. Anything I can help you with let me know. P.s gone and got myself a 6core i7 pc with 16gb of ram and 6gb of dedicated graphics ram so if you want any help running the pack at full graphical specs I should now be able to do so. Cheers

Edited by RichieD76
Poor spelling
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I'm aware of Jordancox discontinuing his SLS pack, and I'll still be using his boosters.

Also, I'll be getting a new computer sometime this week, and I also have the next three weeks off, so I'll be able to spend some time figuring things out. If I can, I'd like to update the parts to the new format, and get everything connecting properly. I never did get those OMS pods from Epsilon, and he hasn't been on since early June, so I'm probably never going to get them. No guarantee there. Finally, I'll seriously put forth the effort to learning a modeling software, so I don't have to rely on other people to do my job for me.

In short, this is what's going to start happening within the next week: new computer for me, updated shuttle for you.

  • Step 1 is complete. I now have a shiny new laptop.
  • Step 2 is now in progress. I've managed to dig up the most up-to-date version of the shuttle that I have. I'm going to spend some time making it compatible with 0.16, then I'm going to see if I can do a release. Oh, and by "making it compatible," i'm referring to getting those wings fixed.
  • Aaand just like that, the wings are fixed. Time to sure up a few other things, and we'll be good to go here.
  • Time for a test flight.
  • The rudder looks strange, but it's still functional. It'll have to be fixed eventually.
  • She orbits! Boy, it's been a while since she's been up to date.
  • Let's try de-orbiting now.
  • All looks well here.
  • She has a tendency to pitch down between 45km and 6km. This'll have to be looked into.
  • She's leveling out now. She glides. After some back of the envelope calculations, I'm estimating the glide ratio to be somewhere around 2.34.

    Fun fact: The actual space shuttle had a glide ratio of 4.5.

  • She has made a successful landing. Soft, too. Downward velocity was only 7 m/s. I'm going to do some tests, and tweak a few things, and I should be able to do a release this weekend. Also, since I can't edit my original post without having all those nice pictures removed, I'll put the update in s different post. Course, I could save a copy of that first post until they let up on the rules. Meh. Don't feel much like doing that.

That's that.

Now, I'm probably going to put the update in the second post I have up. Then I'll pop a new post at the bottom of this thread to bump it up.

Before release, there are a couple things I'd like to get cleaned up; mostly descriptions. If all goes well, I should be able to get an update out today.

Edited by Cepheus
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Cannot Load craft, parts missing

Also cannot find the shuttle Main tank or shuttle controls in all my parts lists. everything else is there, except the main tank and shuttle left and right controls

Edited by Asuna
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ah, I've figured out what the problem is. I renamed one of the parts, without changing the name in the .craft file. Let me fix that.

Ignore my main tank missing, I found it after a reload of KSP, I'll take a peek at the missing control surfaces next

Edit, FOUND EEMMM they were hiding...sneaky little things

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Something is not right when launching. using mechjeb auto ascent but it just leans towards the shuttle. and why does it come with the standard landing gear bay and clamp? doesnt make sense.

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The launch clamps are to improve stability on the pad, and the "lean" that you're describing is in there purposefully. Shortly after liftoff, you need to rotate the stack so that the shuttle's nose faces 90 degrees when the pitch starts.

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It is very nice looking, but im not downloading it at the moment, because it is not clear to me as a new user if this is compliant with 0.16

or which release this works with.

Looks great anyway .

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