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Analyzer pod for MechJeb


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As a substiture for the MechJeb Eye Pod I'd like to see one made to look like the head of Analyzer from Space Battleship Yamato. (AKA Star Blazers, as it was much modified into for US broadcast.)

From the 1974 anime


From the 2010 movie. A major character in the anime, he got less than a minute of screen time in the live action movie. :P At least he got the same voice actor who was in the anime.

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I'm a massive fan of the anime (especially the 2012 remake, Yamato 2199), and while I doubt I have enough time to work on this full time, I'm definitely interested.

Some extra reference images:



By the looks of things, the head is everything above the segmented yellow ring (i.e. the dome, the fins and antennae).

I presume that in the context of MechJeb:

- The "startup" animation would be the individual optics sensors lighting up

- The head would obviously need to follow the user/view/target

- A diameter of 0.625m seems to be in scale with the original source material

Sounds about right?

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