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Extra Life, 24 hour stream to raise money for Children's Miracle Network


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Hello everybody, On October 25, 2014 I will be doing a 24 hour gaming marathon to raise money for the Children's Miracle Network. This year I will be playing and streaming KSP. I am writing this thread to ask for donations, it is a good cause and your donations are tax deductible (at least here in the states, not so great with international law and tax laws). Thanks to everyone who decides to donate, oh and I will also be taking suggestions on challenges from donors. my donor page can be found here


Oh forgot to mention my current mod list, this could change by then, but most likely it will just be more mods, not less

1. SCANsat v7.0

2. MechJeb2 v2.3.1.0

3. Engineer v0.6.2.10

4. Toolbar v1.7.6

5. kerbal alarm clock v2.7.8.2

6. enhanced navbal v1.3.2

7. MechJeb and Engineer for all

8. Kethane

9. FloorItPro

10. SCANSat for All

11. ModuleManager v2.3.5

12. Research Them All v1.1

13. RCSBuildAid v0.4.6

14. Kerbal Joint Reinforcement v2.4.3

15. Landing Height v1.1

16. Active Texture Management 3.3.1 agressive

17. KAS v0.4.8

18. DebRefund v1.0.12

19. Part Catalog v3.0

20. Science Alert v1.7.1

21. Connected Living Space v1.0.8.0

22. Improved Chase Camera 1.4.0

23. Fuesebox v1.0a

24. TweakScale v1.43

25. Editor Extensions v1.3

26. Time Control v13.0

27. AutoAsparagus v0.6

28. Hangar_Extender v2.0

29. Navball_Docking_Alignment

30. TAC Fuel Balancer v2.4.0.3

31. PreciseNode

32. RemoteTech v1.4.1

33. AJE v1.4

34. Sensible Pumps v1.1

35. RealChute v1.2.4

36. Ferram Aerospace Research v0.14.1.1a

37. Deadly Reentry Continued v5.2

38. Kerbal Crew Transfer v0.5

39. Ship Manifest v.

40. FinePrint v0.58b

41. DistantObjectEnhancement v1.3.1

42. TextureReplacer v1.7.0

43. HotRockets v7.1

44. Chatterer v0.6.4

45. J’s Kerbal Suit Pack (for Texture Replacer)

46. Universal Storage v.8.3.21

47. Universal Storage KAS pack v.8.2.11

48. infernal robotics .18.6a

49. Spaceplane Plus v1.3

50. ProceduralWings v0.8.1

51. B9 Aerospace v5.2.1

52. Extraplanetary Launchpads v4.2.3

53. Procedural Wing v0.8.1

54. Procedural Fairings v3.09

55. Bahamuto Dynamics v1.1.1a

56. KAX v2.2.1+2.2.2 hotfix

57. NovaPunch (just capsules)

58. StationScience v1.2.1

59. Orbital Material Science v.3

60. LargeSolarWings

61. Station Parts Expansion v0.1.0

62. TarsierSpaceTech v4.4

63. Oblivion Aerospace v0.1.1

64. KW_Rocketry v2.6c

65. Orbital Science v0.8.5

66. Taurus Stock-ish crew capsule

67. Kerbal_Foundries

68. Kerbal_NRAP v1.5.0.1

69. EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements v7-4 low res with duna dust storms

70. Astronomer’s Visual Pack

71. Infernal Robotics v.19a

72. TransferWindowPlanner v1.0.1.0

Edited by jab136
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