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Constellation V3 - Bob Tale


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Constellation Craft V3 - Bob tale.


I am currently sitting through a 30 minute burn to Jool :) still 10 minutes with 3x time acceleration :) Not quite sure whether I want to go to Bob, Pol or Val. I do have some science probes with me one is supposed to go to Laythe another to Maybe to Pol.. I think I might be able to pull it off with the low gravity there :) And now I have to wait for 57 days until the correction burn. Surprisingly Elo is a lot closer. I launched my first unmanned lander there today and that thing will arrive a year before the the 'Bob Tale'

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So I decided I would try Val instead. My Kerbals had never been there and i guestimated that the lander should be able to land and ascent from there as well. Landing was fine. I think it's a beautiful moon. A bit fuzzy from a distance though.


The Constellation also carried 2 probes (with delivery stages). one was send to Laythe.. and landed without an antenna, so I couldn't send any science from there. Very smart :-/


The second one i just kerballed at Pol and kept the orbiter and lander connected to make sure i could send some science home.


Again the RCS lander with the mini rover this time on Val


Did I tell you it is beautiful there? :o

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