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Advanced Grabbing Unit cannot re-grapple an asteroid

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As far as I have seen, there is a bug in which an asteroid which has been grappled cannot be re-grappled. For instance, if I grab the asteroid, release it and reposition the craft, the grabbing unit is unable to re-attach to the asteroid. I've tried fiddling with the savegame, hoping it was something fixable like the docking port bug (in which you simply have to change the port's state back to 'Ready'). I see the PotatoRoid part has a few hundred (!) lines of "attN = grapple, -1" after attempting to re-grab. I have also left a small adapter (grabbing unit and docking port) in a 'roid, but could not re-dock with the docking port. I've tried editing the save file to make the docking port 'Ready', and although the magnets pull the docking ports together and seem to hold, the ships do not become joined.

Using KAS pipes to connect the ships also does not result in connecting the ships.

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  • 2 months later...

I have to say that I have the same problem. Un-grabbed the asteroid to move the probe around (rather than rotate the whole asteroid), can't re-grab.

Probe's entry in persistent.sfs (minus all the parts save the Klaw):

pid = 8d5cd12b5b384612852edff4edee668f
name = Pusher XRZ-886
type = Probe
landed = False
landedAt =
splashed = False
met = 843904.674821795
lct = 1699779.07786351
root = 0
lat = 1.57429384552836
lon = -40.8880465270186
alt = 13771045928.2353
hgt = -1
nrm = -0.0001853776,-0.0121984,0.9999256
rot = -0.5935039,0.6924151,-0.2545876,0.3217137
CoM = 0.002100301,0.01565827,1.607194E-06
stg = 1
prst = False
ref = 1442432966
ctrl = True
cPch =
cHdg =
cMod = 0
SMA = 14459790881.5075
ECC = 0.0583260541655585
INC = 1.63928652489948
LPE = 168.683585234419
LAN = 172.656423360769
MNA = 5.2937630057258
EPH = 2543683.7526853
REF = 0
} // edited out PART entries...
name = GrapplingDevice
uid = 2266354856
mid = 1644142589
launchID = 113
parent = 2
position = 0,1.48380088806152,0
rotation = 0,0,0,1
mirror = 1,1,1
istg = 0
dstg = 0
sqor = -1
sidx = -1
attm = 0
srfN = None, -1
attN = top, 2
mass = 0.075
temp = 7.660917
expt = 0.5
state = 1
connected = True
attached = True
flag = Squad/Flags/kerbinmunflag
rTrf = GrapplingDevice
modCost = 0
name = ModuleGrappleNode
isEnabled = True
state = Disabled
dockUId = 2144052774
grapplePos = 13.94105,4.337672,2.137333
grappleOrt = -0.9447441,-0.2940901,-0.1448096
grappleOrt2 = 0.3023647,-0.611139,-0.7314948
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Release
guiName = Release
category = Release
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Release
guiName = Release
category = Release
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Decouple Node
guiName = Decouple Node
category = Decouple Node
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = True
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Control from Here
guiName = Control from Here
category = Control from Here
guiActiveUnfocused = False
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Free Pivot
guiName = Free Pivot
category = Free Pivot
guiActiveUnfocused = False
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = False
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Lock Pivot
guiName = Lock Pivot
category = Lock Pivot
guiActiveUnfocused = False
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
actionGroup = None
actionGroup = None
vesselName = Pusher XRZ-886
vesselType = 3
rootUId = 1442432966
vesselName = Ast. XRZ-886
vesselType = 1
rootUId = 2144052774
name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
isEnabled = True
status = Locked
animSwitch = True
animTime = 0
animSpeed = -1
active = True
guiActive = True
guiActiveEditor = True
guiIcon = Toggle
guiName = Arm
category = Toggle
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 5
externalToEVAOnly = True
actionGroup = Custom01
name = FXModuleLookAtConstraint
isEnabled = True
name = FlagDecal
isEnabled = True
flagDisplayed = True
active = True
guiActive = False
guiActiveEditor = True
guiIcon = ToggleFlag
guiName = ToggleFlag
category = ToggleFlag
guiActiveUnfocused = False
unfocusedRange = 2
externalToEVAOnly = True
name = FARBasicDragModel
isEnabled = True
Stage = True, 2525484.90892683
Gear = False, 1699848.43786358
Light = False, 0
RCS = False, 0
SAS = False, 2543440.53268508
Brakes = False, 0
Abort = False, 0
Custom01 = False, 0
Custom02 = False, 0
Custom03 = False, 0
Custom04 = False, 0
Custom05 = False, 0
Custom06 = False, 0
Custom07 = False, 0
Custom08 = False, 0
Custom09 = False, 0
Custom10 = False, 2539606.87028406
state = -1
lastObservedTime = 0
lifetime = Infinity
refTime = Infinity
size = 2
type = Vessel
vesselID = d9cc518b-64bb-4ace-80a5-b2a5e56a5baa
pitch = 0
yaw = 0
roll = 0
trimPitch = 0
trimYaw = 0
trimRoll = 0
mainThrottle = 0

Asteroid's entry:

pid = d9cc518b64bb4ace80a5b2a5e56a5baa
name = Ast. XRZ-886
type = SpaceObject
landed = False
landedAt =
splashed = False
met = 4886.04240200482
lct = 2538797.7102833
root = 0
lat = 1.57429386226097
lon = -40.8880466262876
alt = 13771045927.9369
hgt = -1
nrm = -0.3925391,0.579319,0.7143548
rot = 0.7495806,0.129304,0.5767156,-0.298008
CoM = 0,0,0
stg = 1
prst = False
ref = 0
ctrl = False
cPch = 0
cHdg = 0
cMod = 0
SMA = 14459779522.9039
ECC = 0.0583257600765503
INC = 1.63928703997213
LPE = 168.684348965906
LAN = 172.656363327985
MNA = 5.29375091647882
EPH = 2543683.7526853
REF = 0
name = PotatoRoid
uid = 2144052774
mid = 2144052774
launchID = 0
parent = 0
position = 0,0,0
rotation = 0,0,0,1
mirror = 1,1,1
istg = 0
dstg = 0
sqor = 0
sidx = 0
attm = 0
srfN = None, -1
attN = grapple, -1
// a bunch more "attN = grapple, -1" lines edited out here
attN = grapple, -1
mass = 173.8646
temp = 14.85547
expt = 0.1
state = 1
connected = True
attached = True
flag =
rTrf = PotatoRoid (Ast. XRZ-886)
modCost = 0
name = ModuleAsteroid
isEnabled = True
seed = 16489110
AsteroidName = Ast. XRZ-886
prefabBaseURL = Procedural/PA_C
active = True
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Target Center of Mass
guiName = Target Center of Mass
category = Target Center of Mass
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 500
externalToEVAOnly = False
active = True
guiActive = False
guiIcon = Take Sample
guiName = Take Sample
category = Take Sample
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 18.07728
externalToEVAOnly = True
active = True
guiActive = True
guiIcon = Rename Asteroid
guiName = Rename Asteroid
category = Rename Asteroid
guiActiveUnfocused = True
unfocusedRange = 18.07728
externalToEVAOnly = True
name = FARBasicDragModel
isEnabled = True
Stage = False, 0
Gear = True, 0
Light = False, 0
RCS = False, 0
SAS = False, 0
Brakes = False, 0
Abort = False, 0
Custom01 = False, 0
Custom02 = False, 0
Custom03 = False, 0
Custom04 = False, 0
Custom05 = False, 0
Custom06 = False, 0
Custom07 = False, 0
Custom08 = False, 0
Custom09 = False, 0
Custom10 = False, 0
state = -1
lastObservedTime = 0
lifetime = Infinity
refTime = Infinity
size = 2
pitch = 0
yaw = 0
roll = 0
trimPitch = 0
trimYaw = 0
trimRoll = 0
mainThrottle = 0

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It's nothing to do with the parts, I'm guessing you have Fine Print installed.

If so, it's a known issue with it and will be fixed for 0.90.0. Check your output_log.txt for this to confirm it:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.AsteroidParameter.OnDock (FromToAction`2 action) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at EventData`1[GameEvents+FromToAction`2[Part,Part]].Fire (FromToAction`2 data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Part.Couple (.Part tgtPart) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ModuleGrappleNode.Grapple (.Part other, .Part dockerSide) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ModuleGrappleNode.<SetupFSM>m__10 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at KerbalFSM.RunEvent (.KFSMEvent evt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at KerbalFSM.updateFSM (KFSMUpdateMode mode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at KerbalFSM.FixedUpdateFSM () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ModuleGrappleNode.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

I don't know if it can be fixed without cancelling the ARM mission though. Arsonide will have to weigh in with that.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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It's nothing to do with the parts, I'm guessing you have Fine Print installed.

If so, it's a known issue with it and will be fixed for 0.90.0. Check your output_log.txt for this to confirm it:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FinePrint.Contracts.Parameters.AsteroidParameter.OnDock (FromToAction`2 action) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at EventData`1[GameEvents+FromToAction`2[Part,Part]].Fire (FromToAction`2 data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Part.Couple (.Part tgtPart) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ModuleGrappleNode.Grapple (.Part other, .Part dockerSide) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ModuleGrappleNode.<SetupFSM>m__10 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at KerbalFSM.RunEvent (.KFSMEvent evt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at KerbalFSM.updateFSM (KFSMUpdateMode mode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at KerbalFSM.FixedUpdateFSM () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at ModuleGrappleNode.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

I don't know if it can be fixed without cancelling the ARM mission though. Arsonide will have to weigh in with that.

...bugger. Yes, I have Fine Print, and yes, those NullRef's show up in the log. Well, at least I know the problem, if not the solution. Thanks.
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...bugger. Yes, I have Fine Print, and yes, those NullRef's show up in the log. Well, at least I know the problem, if not the solution. Thanks.

There is a workaround in the mean time. Make sure that the first asteroid you grab is the correct size and status (newly tracked). As far as I am aware, this bug occurs when you grab multiple asteroids in succession, starting with one that does not qualify for the contract.

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