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Will the RCS engines get nerfed?

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The first stages on some of my heavy lift rockets that predate KJR are a stitched together mass of strut spammed orange tanks. Barely launchable but picks up nicely once the first stage drops.

If physics etc applied to struts. Ouch. I never use the little cube and octagon 'strut' girders.

The Kerbodyne tanks and engines are just wunnerful, wunnerful, as Lawrence Welk said on his TV show. ;) 'Course I had to add parts to ReStock to make full use of those tanks and engines. Couldn't have them limited to being single stack parts.

The Kerbodyne decoupler originally had physics set to off. It would work fine as long as you only used it in single stack applications or on asparagus stacks mounted to the sides of a single column core. If you asparagussed Kerbodyne stacks branching off below the 1-to-2,3,4 adapters, they misbehaved. Put them upside down to drop with top end staged tanks and they misbehaved *extremely* well by destroying whatever they were on top of.

At first I thought it must be some effect of the ReStock and ReStock Reloaded scaling up of those adapters so I built some rather odd looking all stock test rockets with LV diameter core parts and Kerbodyne side boosters. Got exactly the same problems so I compared the cfg for the Kerbodyne stack decoupler and the Rockomax one. That's when the physics significance line jumped out at me. I then looked at all the other stack decouplers and separators, no such line in any of them. (Just think of all the fun destruction and WTF-ing I'd have missed if I'd looked at the cfg first!)

Change that number or delete the line and all problems with the Kerbodyne decoupler went away. Just takes a bit more fuel with their weight and drag actually having an effect.

Edited by Galane
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