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Radial separation issue with FAR


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I have been playing KSP for quite long time but I am new to FAR. I really love it, but I have major issue with radial decouplers and boosters. When I decouple my boosters, they tend to collide with my rocket and damage it. I can more or less solve the problem using separatron, but it is unreliable, and separatron tend to be destroyed during ascent because of FAR.

Any help?


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separatron tend to be destroyed during ascent because of FAR

You were meant to say Deadly Reentry, I guess, in which case - ascend slower.

My solution: put radial booster lower on decoupler. Decouplers should push boosters above their CoM, forcing them to spread outward faster. If you're using struts then you'll have to use separatrons because struts kill the ejection force.

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I put radial mounted parachutes at the bottom of my boosters once, just one per booster, facing outwards. Not at the top, and not in the middle, all the way down by the nozzle. This had the effect of hauling the nose away from the craft and it would gradually accelerate away from the main body before completely turning end-over. It was actually very pretty. Since I've installed Real Chutes I've been having trouble replicating this, I may need to crank the pre-deployment altitude way up, but Real Chutes just doesn't seem to do that instantaneous tug upon deployment that stock does.

Something to try, but I don't do it anymore now that I'm learning how to tweak Sepatrons.

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