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new parts automatically having action groups/actions set

John FX

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So I just had an idea for a mod where you could set a global action for some types of parts which would carry over to any part when it was placed (or maybe set the action groups for all parts of a type on a craft)

The thing that made me think of it was I always set action group 1 to toggle my solar panels and I realised it would make a cool small mod to be able to set every solar panel I place in action group 1 and the action to `toggle` without having to do anything. Also to set all the panels on a craft to toggle with action group 1.

I`m not sure if action groups on the fly is still a thing but it could be a cool feature for that mod, hmm just did a search and it seems to have fallen by the wayside.

Anyone fancy having a go?

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A while back, ozraven wrote a plugin called AutomaticActionGroupModule, which reads off ModuleManager patches to automatically assign/modify/remove action group definitions for new parts in the VAB/SPH scene.

I have been testing it with my FusTek parts to automatically unassign the IACBM docking ports from the Light action group - the docking ports had built-in lights with electric charge consumption using ModuleLight, but leaving it assigned to the Lights AG would cause major lag when a user wants to illuminate other areas of a space station.

He hasn't officially released it since it was still highly experimental at the time, but here's the link in case you want to try it out. I can't help with the documentation, though, since ozraven wrote that patch for me.


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