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Can somebody calculate the Kinetic Energy for me?


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I was messin' around in KSP the other day and started thinking about what kinetic energy my ship would actually produce at max velocity.

So i wonder, would anyone be nice and help me by calculating the KE. ( i do not understand the formula with my basic math degree )

So what i have is the mass and the maximum velocity.

Velocity = 1181.8 m/s or 4254,48 km/h (not sure if right, my math is not that good )

Mass = 1.04 tons or 1040 kilos.

Hopeful for answers!

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Force = 943.472Kg * 1181.8 m/s/s = 1,114,995.2096 Net Force.

So, about 1,114Kn of Newtons. If you want Kinetic Energy, I think the equation is 1 / 2 * Mass * Velocity ^2. So the square of the speed (1,181.8m/s squared is 1,396,651.24) multiplied by mass (943.472Kg * 1.3mill = 1317701338.71), multiplied by the constant 1/2 comes out to 658,850,669.353 Joules of Kinetic Energy.

Edit: I should note that I used short tons for the conversion from Tons to Kg. Kryten did not, which explains the difference and why Kryten got 727MJ.

Edited by WestAir
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