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COUB and mp4


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I have tried uploading an flv, mp4, windows movie maker, and youtube. All of them do it. I looked at the properties and they match my last night's entry. I tried reapplying last nights to test and it is fine.

Looking in the publish options, I notice a check box to keep/remove black bars (horizontal, vertical). I have tried checking to keep the bars and leaving it unchecked to hopefully crop them (which still does not address the fact the original is cropped, too, but rids the black bars).

When I checked to keep the black bars, the black bars did not stay.

When I unchecked, meant to get rid of the bars, same result; black bars did not stay. It was only a cropped version, zoomed into and slightly right of the original. Just so you know, this was also the result once I uploaded at the beginning of creating a coub and was not after publishing, so its an upload issue for sure.

The video I am trying to upload is loaded from an mp4 onto youtube at

if you are interested.

Also, thanks for hopping on this asap. You guys rock!

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