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My Texture's gone???

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not sure what the issue is? everything looks fine. there is no texture component in unity, it's part of mesh renderer component. you have "Tex" material assigned, and it's using settings based on your 3d app's material. the only thing you should do is set the rig to "Legacy" if it has animation, or set rig to "None" if there is no animation

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make sure you are using KSP Shaders; make sure textures are in the right location under Gamedata, typically same folder as the MU file. check output_log.txt in KSP_Data; text search the log for your model; texture; and config file to see where things went wrong.

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So you're using one mesh for the collider and the model? (I'm toying with Unity and it looks like this probably works, but it makes a higher-poly collision mesh than is needed).

It looks like the shader options are missing. They are usually there by default, but I see that if you remove and re-add the mesh renderer component, it adds it without the shader options initially, but selecting a material brings the options up.

Edited by NecroBones
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