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BACE Habitation Module Transport

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Made a transport to get your BACE Habitation Module to where it belongs.

Used 8 kw Series Globe CS-I MkII SRBs (fired radially in 2 pairs of 4), 8 HH-77b Nosecone Parachutes on the boosters (OCD about recovered boosters) , an LV-T600 LFE, fuelled by an FL-S2000 and -500 Tank, an RCST 200 RCS fuel reserve w/ 4 kw Series VX960 RCS Quad, a NovaSilisko Engine Fairing Base w/ 8 Short Fairing Panels and 4 Fairing Panel Caps. Inside is the Module w/ own fuel and landing legs provided in the BACE Mod, underneath is an N-S TD-M9 Mech. Deco. and ASAS module. Happy launching! 8) Make Jeb proud!

Almost forgot to put in the Radial Retro Boosters, and some Heavy-duty Struts.

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