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Do you think woman as astronaut are discriminated?


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I recently read an article about woman astronauts feel discriminated because they are less likely to fly into space because they have lower resistance to space radiation, which can result in cancer.

Now feminist want that radiation thread not be taken into account because is "sexist" :D


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I think this is very, very inappropiate topic on the forum. It is just way too flammable.

Also, I think you should open a thread entitled "Pawelk's Questions" and ask them from there instead of opening so many new threads. Most of these questions can be answered with a few posts anyways.

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Science has also proven that women's eyes suffer less damage and deterioration while on long duration space missions. So now we can flip the argument upside down.

In either case, my point is that we don't need to pull in physics as a means to discuss sexism and discrimination. Thanks for the point out, but these topics are not allowed for a reason.

Sorry, but thread closed...



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