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Minimum altitude for contract completion

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Not sure if this should go in the mod forums or here but either way let me explain the situation.

I recently tried using the station science mod (Awsome mod BTW). It told me to complete experiment X in orbit around the Mun. I built a science station around the Mun with all the required pieces and ran the experiment and let it complete. I then clicked on the finalize results button and gave me the option to keep or transmit the data. I chose to keep the data. After this it did not recognize that that part of the contract was complete. I also realized after that I was supposed to bring the entire experiment module back to Kerbin which I was unable to do because I had made the experiment itself a static part of my station. Maybe that was what caused it.

The reason I am asking about minimum altitude is that I have read in other threads that in some cases although you are in orbit around celestial bodies with atmospheres you need to sometimes be slightly higher than what the actual atmosphere height is to get credit for certain contracts that require you to be in orbit. If so is this the same case on the Mun although no atmosphere? My station where I did this was at an altitude of 15000 meters. I am wondering if I need to be lets say 20000 meters or higher for it to count.

The truly sad part about this is that by building this station I used up all my money getting all the pieces there and was counting on the 1.5 million credit reward to keep funding my space program. Since I can't remove the needed module there was nothing I could do. I had no money to launch any additional missions to send up another module. I ended up deleting that game decided to start fresh.

On a side note has there been any word that if .25 will break our saves? I would rather wait until it releases before putting dozens of more hours into building my space agency if it will all be wiped out when it arrives.

Thanks in advance.

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Generally speaking, if you are supposed to get science from somewhere you either have to return it or transmit it. If you can't return an experiment then you can always transmit the data for partial science, and contract completion. The only reason you would need to be at a certain altitude is when the game thinks that the altitude you are at is suborbital (Jool comes to mind, in it's information window it says atmospheric height is 200km when in reality it is something like 130km) This isn't the case with the Mun and 15km should be more than enough. If you kept the science data you could still transmit it for contract completion, but if you chose to return the science the contract won't be completed until the vessel containing said science is recovered and the experiment added to the science archive.

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Unless that mod changes this, you can always transmit science data, as long as the vessel it is contained in has an antenna and enough electricity. Just right click the module where the data is, select "Review Reports" and click "Transmit" for all the reports you want to transmit. "Keep Data" just puts the data back in the cupboard so you don't have to transmit everything you've done, just the thing you want to.

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If you are worried about not fulfilling one of the contract requirements, open up the contract pane in the top right corner of the screen next to resources.

Met conditions are highlighted in green. Unmet conditions are in grey. No guesswork needed.

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