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Space 1999 Eagle **Version 1.2 - .16, hatch & Kerbonaut Ready!**


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Fly the famous 'Eagle' from 70\'s Sci-Fi series Space 1999 in the game Kerbal Space Program with this Eagle mod.


Features seperate pieces to construct your own Eagle or Eagle variant.

Comes with these seperate parts:

Command Module

Main Cargo Module

Nuclear Main Engine

V/TOL Landing Engine

Left & Right Landing Pad Modules

Left & Right RCS Thrusters

Custom Inline ASAS Module

Fully Assembled Eagle. Included in a .craft file for the SPH

Note: r4m0n\'s fantastic plugin MechJeb is required v1.8.2 or higher is required for this mod

Get it HERE


Change log:


1.2 Patch

- .16 compatible

- Reworked, higher detail command module 3d model

- Kerbal Crew Hatch added (top) Room for 2 Kerbals


1.1 Patch

- Made Eagle KSP .15 compatible

- Eagle_SPH.craft file (prebuilt Eagle) made for horizontal launch from the Space Plane Hangar

- Fixed VTOL thrust being displayed too close to hull

- Fixed landing pads sinking in ground when landed (Doesn't seem to work on the runway)



To install - Use WinRAR or similar program to unpack files into your main KSP directory.

Instructions on how to build an Eagle properly in the main hangar:

Start with the Eagle Command pod

Next attach Eagle version of the ASAS module (if wanted)

Next attach Main Cargo Module to bottom of ASAS module (Cargo Module is in Engine/Fuel Tank section)

Next attach VTOL engine to bottom side of Cargo Module, making sure it is centered as much as possibled

Next attach Port (Left) side version of Landing Pod Module(s) to the top and another one at the bottom of the Cargo Module

Next attach Starboard(Right) side version of Landing Pod Module(s) to the top and another one at the bottom of the Cargo Module

Next attach Port(left) RCS Thruster to left top and bottom Landing Pods. Place in the middle of the black cross. (takes a fine touch)

Next attach Starboard(Right) RCS Thruster to right top and bottom Landing Pods. Place in the middle of the black cross. (takes a fine touch)

Finally attach the Main Engine to the bottom of the Cargo Pod.

Flying instructions:

The Eagle will launch vertically from the launch pad if you select it from the VAB, Horizontally from the SPH

When you hit space bar to launch, a toggle switch will appear on the screen with 2 buttons for engines. One for Main Engine and one for VTOL engine. Both Main & VTOL is off at launch by default. Hit the launch (spacebar) button. A menu comes up and you can select which (or both) engines you want to use. Select and then just throttle up!

Known issues:

-The Eagle is a Sci-Fi design and this mod keeps the design true to the show, unfortunately that doesn\'t make it the best design for air/space flight. It flies pretty well considering, but occasionally it can have some stange flight characteristics.

-Some parts had to be broken into Left/Right configuration because of the way the game handles symmetry (It doesn\'t like shapes that aren\'t uniform)

-The Eagle is very sensitive to object placement. Minor changes can severly change CG of the Eagle, especially for VTOL flight. Eagle 1.craft file in the ships folder is properly balanced for flight.

-There are no thrusters for lateral translation. One science goof from the show. You can add them separately if you want.

Special thanks to:

r4m0n for his great MechJeb mod that makes engine switching possible and some CFG pointers.

Damnyoujapan and Kreuzung for advice on how to set up toggleable engines.

NovaSilisko for his wonderful mods that inspired me to start modding this game.

All the Devs of KSP for a kick ass game!

Thanks for downloading and flying (and crashing) my Eagle. Have Fun!

-Vance 'RedSpar' Bergstrom

Edited by RedSpar
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Looking great!

For craft like this, is there some way of describing the ships initial axis on the landing pad? i bet a plugin could be done for this to get away from the tail down takeoffs we are used to for regular rockets. Its what put the halt on my aluminum falcon project!



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  Nibb31 said:

Wow ! Fantastic model!

Could you make the pod windows opaque (maybe tinted gold or black) instead of the stick-on kerbal decals ? They make it look like a 1950\'s tin toy car.


Yeah I probably will. I put the Kerbals in just for fun, but I think I will take them out on final release.

  madmat said:

I found myself just STARING at that engine,It\'s BEAUTIFUL, Great design!! Can\'t wait for release! What sort of Thrust are we talking here?

I want to make it 'close' to the performance that the Eagle had on the show but not so powerful there is no skill involved in flying it. I would like it to be able to fly to Mun, land, fly around a bit and have enough power to get back to Kearth using a powered descent. Of course, you will be able to stack the whole Eagle assembly on top of a booster if you wish.

  prefim said:

Looking great!

For craft like this, is there some way of describing the ships initial axis on the landing pad? i bet a plugin could be done for this to get away from the tail down takeoffs we are used to for regular rockets. Its what put the halt on my aluminum falcon project!



One thing I would really like is a plugin that allows the pilot to switch between the main engines and the VTOL engines and back again for landing. Currently there is no way to do this in the game as far as I know. Right now I am going to make high powered RCS\'s that point down from the horizontal axis for now until I can find a better solution. As for which way the ship is oriented for take off, a plug in for that will be fantastic. Right now it can only take off vertically (at least from the pad).

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  RedSpar said:

One thing I would really like is a plugin that allows the pilot to switch between the main engines and the VTOL engines and back again for landing. Currently there is no way to do this in the game as far as I know.

Kosmos has an interface for toggling types of engines on or off.

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Sorry about the delay, I have had a busy week, but I have got back at it tonight.

Engines unwrapped and textured.

Pictured here is Eagle One getting its official production engines test fitted to the main space-frame:


First flyby over Kerbal Launch Center, testing atmospheric flight and fine tuning main engine thrust vector.


Things left to do:

-Make a small super slim inline RCS tank module between the command module and cargo module.

-As above for ASAS as well

-Model and test VTOL landing/takeoff engines for the bottom of the cargo pod

-Find plugin module to switch engines from forward flight to landing flight engines

-Horizontal take off and landing testing

-Kearth/Mun round trip test flight

After that the Eagle series goes into full production... 8)

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  RedSpar said:

Sorry about the delay, I have had a busy week, but I have got back at it tonight.

Engines unwrapped and textured.

Pictured here is Eagle One getting its official production engines test fitted to the main space-frame:

and looking good!
  RedSpar said:

Things left to do:

-Make a small super slim inline RCS tank module between the command module and cargo module.

-As above for ASAS as well

I don\'t know, but it looks symmetric enough that you might modularize the Eagle to the point where you have the dorsal truss, fore and aft hull sections, 'leg pods', container, engines, and cockpit; you could make the fore and aft hull sections (A)SAS, and the leg pods RCS fuel tanks...
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  • 3 weeks later...

??? Man O Man I gotta have this one daddy!!!

I sent this request just a few days ago on the website when I was putzing around with the beta version of the KSP program and asked for the Eagle to be added not knowing that it was already in development...... Yeah buddy...... Glad I paid my dineros, greenbacks, for the full version. Great work guys.

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