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Duna Roundtrip Tiny Ion SSTO


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Ion engines for Days!

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Here's the craft file if you want to mess around with it: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4y...it?usp=sharing

1. accelerate to 30 ish m/s on runwway

2. pull up to a 90 degree angle (straight up)

3. level out at around 17-18 k

4. try to keep your vertical speed to between 100m/s and 10m/s by changing your pitch

5. accelerate to 2400 m/s on the turbojet

6. feather the turbojet to keep your apoapsis aound 100k - 125k

7. When you get to 1:30 ish before apoapsis, fire up the ion engines and circularize

8. Profit. I'm not sure how much delta-v it has in orbit, but it is a lot. Enough to get to Duna and back. Might even be enough for a Laythe Roundtrip.(With Laythe landing.)

9. Still has a good 1/5 Xenon remaining on final landing.

Action Groups:

1. Toggles turbojet

2. Toggles Ion engines

3. Toggles intakes

4. Toggles Solar Panels (Don't use in atmosphere.)

I posted this craft in the SSI thread a while back, but nothing came of it.

Also, this craft needs a good name. Feel free to suggest one.

EDIT: I realize that the link for the craft file doesn't work. I'll put up a new one tomorrow hopefully.

Edited by Bouncingbunny
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