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RCS with Gimbals

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The concept is simple, though the implementation may be a chore: linear RCS/Vernor engines with option for gimballed thrust vector transform. While it is possible to simply place an engine gimbal module into an RCS/Vernor part file without any heinous errors being thrown, the engine does not seem to register that it is in fact able to be thrust-transformed or utilize that during SAS/RCS thrust calculations.

My original attempt was to modify a Vernor engine so that its thrust exhaust could rotate within a 90-degree cone (up to 45 degrees off center) to allow the vessel to be controlled more efficiently and effectively. I doubted it'd work from the get-go, but it was still worth a shot, and I, personally, think it's a fantastic idea if it can be pulled off.

I am frankly shocked that no one else has bothered to suggest or mod such a thing (that I could find). Discuss!

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