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[Stock] Stargate F-302 Fighter


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I got bored and looked around for an F-302 made on KSP. Didn't find any good looking ones so here's my attempt, which I'd say looks pretty damn neat.

I also made a pure-atmospheric version as a challenge to replace a jet fighter design I've used since .18. This design isn't perfectly stable but at the very least it beats all competition.

Action groups for both:

1 - Main engine toggle.

2 - Side engines toggle.

Space capable version:

Not exactly combat maneuverable but if you stick some flaps on the cockpit it should help significantly. The burn time on the rocket engine is (I think) ~2 minutes, which was sufficient to make a stable orbit and come back into the atmosphere.

Angle - http://i.imgur.com/pUNEx8Q.png

Top - http://i.imgur.com/4JBtyf9.png

Rear - http://i.imgur.com/vwzDZ9Q.png

.craft - http://www./view/cj5j1cc0kcwhemp/Space_Raptor_Mk_1a.craft

Atmospheric version:

Although I never bothered to test the range, its top speed under 100m altitude does come close to 200m/s, and it's definitely combat ready (At least out of the planes I made).

Angle - http://i.imgur.com/j010Hmo.png

Top - http://i.imgur.com/eQ9OTej.png

Rear - http://i.imgur.com/uIAB7UP.png

.craft - http://www./view/178zf2vd45gh1k2/Raptor_Mk_1a.craft

Since this design has now become my primary aircraft basis, I plan to upgrade and update it regularly, and experiment with other possible variants, such as a VTOL variant. But I will be looking around for more designs to recreate, so if anyone's got a suggestion, I'd be happy to read it.

Edited by Krinkut
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Yours does look ready to flip out and explode, but aside from a slight scale issue with the wings it looks a bit more accurate than mine.

Since we don't have inertial dampeners to work with, making an accurate look alike with optimal performance will be a huge drag. At least something close enough will give the same sense of nostalgia.

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