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Kerbals bring the world together. (Or makes one a stalker.)


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A little over 5 years ago I bought an airplane - my 2nd one actually. Every airplane gets assigned a registration number (or tail number), and in the US we call them N-numbers or, because they all start with N and are followed by 3 to 5 alphanumeric characters. It's interesting to do a Google search on one's N-number, because once in a while someone snaps a photo of your plane you weren't aware of, or something in its history might show up that didn't previously, or any other number of things may pop up.

So not too long after getting my airplane, I decide to Google the N-number, and I see reports of some guy flying *MY* airplane on the East Coast. Well, I live in the Midwest, and there's no way that someone was flying my plane. I click on the link and find out that the guy flying my plane is posting about his MS Flight Simulator adventures. I shoot him an email and we have a chuckle about it and he explains why he chose his tail number, which by coincidence is the same as my actual aircraft's number. A little while into the future I Google again, and he shows up again, this time mentioning our email conversation on his website. For some reason unbeknownst to me, I happen to remember useless information that's easily recalled when triggered - this guy's domain was one of those bits of information.

Fast forward to today, and I'm looking at the KSP forums, and I go to click on a link to a members personal site where he had a download link, and I'm thinking, "wait a second that domain looks familiar." Yep, same guy, five years later.

tl;dr: You never know who you may run into in KSP.

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