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MISTAC Mission Logs [Community Project]


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It had been a long time since The Great War. A long time. The Kerbal race had reconsructed itself from the war and ensung anarchy that left their civilization in ruins. There was peace. There was prosperity. There was... boredom.

Kerbin had been fully conquered. From the first explorers who crossed the seas, to the brave Kerbals who trekked across the arctic to the poles, and the brilliant minds who invented the airplane. There was nothing new about Kerbin. Nothing was happening. So the leaders of Kerbin got together to start a program that would bring excitement to the Kerbal race. They founded MISTAC (pronounced mistake:P), whick stands for the Ministry of International Space Travel And Colonization. It had one goal: To explore space. The last great frontier. This is their story. This is when Kerbals became one with the stars.

Edited by FishInferno
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MISTAC has one clear goal: Put a Kerbal in space. We are pleased to announce the plans for accomplishing that goal.


We are pleased to announce Project Shepard, the series of missions to kickstart the space program.


The first round of Kerbonauts are highly skilled test pilots who were handpicked fro a group of a hundreds or so candidates:

Luke Kerman

Ender Kerman

Shifty Kerman

Jand Kerman

Kurt Kerman

S.C. Kerman Jr.

Morf Kerman

Jet Kerman

We are confident that they all have the skills required to complete their assigned missions.


We are very excited to show you the first spacecraft to be used by the Kerbals.

KnoefCo Space Administrary, a new company dedicated to building space hardware, has built us the Caelum orbiter.


But in order to get something to space, you need a rocket. Rune's Slightly Used Vehicles, a popular aeronautics company thta is entering the space industry, has built us Dawn, a powerful rocket that uses solid-fuel engines to reduce costs.


Using these vehicles, we will conduct several missions into low Kerbin orbit:

Unmanned test mission: An unmanned Dawn/Caelum will be launched into LKO to test systes and put the first satellite into LKO. Then it will preform a planned reentry and land in the ocean East of KSC, as will all missions below.

Orbital flight: S.C. Kerman Jr. will fly the Dawn/Caelum into orbit, becoming the first Kerbal in space.

Polar orbit/first spacewalk: Jand Kerman will preform the first EVA to prove that Kerbals can work outside their spacecraft. This will also be a polar orbit.

Rendezvous: Shifty Kerman will fly int orbit and wait for Kurt Kerman to also launch and meet up with him in space. This is testing a complex maneuver that will later be used on ore complex missions.

The unmanned test is coming u soon, so stay tuned!

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The night before the launch, Dawn is illuminated as it sits on the pad.


The next morning, the tower is decoupled as the rocket begins the final countdown.


10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and IGNITION and we have a liftoff of the Dawn rocket carrying the Caelum into orbit!


We have cleared the tower.


The rocket ascends over KSC on a growing pillar of fire and smoke.


Less than a minute later, Dawn is already piercing the clouds


Just above could level, the first stage burns out and the second stage ignites, continuing to boost the Caelum higher and higher


At 10 kilometers in altitude, Dawn begins to pitch over in order to gain horizontal velocity.


The second stage dies out, and the third sage liquid rocket engine kicks in


Dawn pitches over until it is nearly horizontal, roughly 80km east of KSC


The third stage engine cuts out, but the Caelum is not separating from Dawn due to an issue with the fairing.


Now losing altitude, the capsule is separated from the jammed service module and prepared for reentry. At lease we can still test the heatsheild.


Small traces of flames dance around the capsule, but it is predicted that this is not as much as a normal reentry.


The capsule deploys its parachute just above the clouds.


The parachute fully deploys 500m above the water


The capsule makes a safe splashdown far east of KSC

The mission is considered a failure, but several fundamental elements of the craft were able to be tested. RSUV is hard a work resolving the problem and the next flight should proceed as planned, with a few delays to the schedule.

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