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Whirligig Girl

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By purchasing Kerbal Space Program, you are entitled to the following:

- Access to the software in its current state.

- Access to all updates for the software.

By 'updates' we mean software updates including content, features and bugfixes, released as a new version for the same title, before or after the official ("1.0") release of the software.

If you've purchased KSP before May 1st, 2013, you are entitled to the above, plus any Expansion Packs released for KSP.

By 'Expansion Packs' we mean software released as a separate title, but that requires and ties into the original KSP software to expand the game by adding content, features and bugfixes.

I saw the post stating that players who purchased the game before May 2013 will get expansions for Free. Does this apply to Steam purchases as well?

Yes, any purchase made before May 1st 2013 counts, regardless of the payment or distribution method.

Does this also apply if you transferred your store account to steam?

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Must say that it was exactly this that brought the game to my attention. Without stories in the media about this `new space game` and the `update issue` I would not have discovered KSP for a long while I think.

It was what made me take a punt and cough up the cash for the game. If the updates are that important then I`d better get in there, he he.

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