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Funds and Science ? Learn before 0.25 comes out.

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Hi guy's need help i was wondering is there any Fund Guide with pictures of space craft how to get faster funds ?

Also Science is possible.

Stock and modded also would be nice (stock mainly)

I started new Career :) and want to focus on Stock.

(I know there is mods DebRefund for recoverable boosters)

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Less is more.

Boosters are actually useful now.

So are space stations and bases.

As always, early trips to Mun/Minmus and focusing on the lower branches of the tree will give lots of science (with a bonus of electrical supplies). The upper branches have useful things, but don't go overboard with them, given that somewhat small rockets can get you to most places. The middle branches have little of value until you get jets.

What are your craft like? This is the one I did for a first Mun trip. Not the most efficient, but not especially expensive, and it only needed basic rocketry and survivability (20 science in total) unlocked.


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  UmbralRaptor said:
Less is more.

Boosters are actually useful now.

So are space stations and bases.

What are your craft like? This is the one I did for a first Mun trip. Not the most efficient, but not especially expensive, and it only needed basic rocketry and survivability (20 science in total) unlocked.


Im now completing Mun and minmus contract need to land on mun and minmus in one go visiting 2 bodies :)

(have to land on mun and collect data and transmit, fly by the minmus and do space data transmit to Kerbin)

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  RenatsMC said:
Im now completing Mun and minmus contract need to land on mun and minmus in one go visiting 2 bodies :)

(have to land on mun and collect data and transmit, fly by the minmus and do space data transmit to Kerbin)

Just a note here: You don't have to TRANSMIT the science, you can recover it by returning the craft to Kerbin and clicking on 'Recover vessel'. That counts too (although takes longer than transmitting, since you have to return home).

  |Velocity| said:
What do you mean by this? They were always useful.

By classic pre-funds definition, efficiency was measured by mass (since if you had a bigger upper stage, you'd need a bigger lower stage to carry it's lumpy self around), and SRBs were terribly inefficient mass-wise. A rocket stage built out of them will have a much higher mass due to that poor specific impulse than one made out of liquid engines. So while they were perfectly usable, a design using them was bigger and less efficient.

Now that we have Funds to measure by, the SRBs can now save you some scratch, as just as in real life, solid rockets (which are pretty much just a tube full of boom without all the expensive duct work, turbopumps, advanced combustion chambers, etc of a liquid engine) are significantly cheaper.

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  |Velocity| said:
What do you mean by this? They were always useful.

Yes. But now they have the advantage of being cheap.

Before 0.24 and contracts (and funds) you could build incredible lifters.

But since 0.24 you need to keep an eye on funds. Asparagus are still the most powerful constructions. But they are expensive.

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  Tokay Gris said:
Yes. But now they have the advantage of being cheap.

Before 0.24 and contracts (and funds) you could build incredible lifters.

But since 0.24 you need to keep an eye on funds. Asparagus are still the most powerful constructions. But they are expensive.

Well, thanks Tokay and Renegrade. I thought that perhaps there was some recovery mechanic for SRBs that I was unaware of. It wouldn't be the first major game mechanic that I was completely unaware of. I just learned a few days ago that supposedly KSP has trim. SWEET JESUS I wish I had known that over a year ago. It doesn't show up in key bindings as far as I can tell, so how would I have known it existed?!

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In my experiences it's best not to focus on part testing contracts. You're more likely to lose money on them than to gain it. If you can get a series going like 1. fly a basic rocket 2. establish orbit 3. mun landing 4. minmus landing 5. duna landing you'll be swimming in money. The system does not work in such a way that you have to save up money for big missions.

Also, a few other tips:

1. with explore missions, transmit the crew report from the surface immediately, go back to the space centre. Maybe there will already be a "plant flag" mission ready for you to complete instantly.

2. With kerbal recovery missions you can get good money if you're down on funds. Once you're near the kerbal, press [ or ] to take control of them and get them back home.

3. Look at the part test contracts to see if there's some in there with big payouts, and then look if it's a realistic mission. I once got some 200-300k for testing the nuclear engine near either mun or minmus, which you can imagine is really easy. However, sometimes it can be something like testing the mainsail near the mun so watch out for that.

4. You don't have to stage a part for the first time to complete part test contracts. Just right click the part that's already running and click on "run test".

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  Tokay Gris said:
Eh. Wait. What? Where? Omigod! There is?

Yea, I think so. I tried it out last night and it certainly felt like I was able to trim out my space plane. More experimentation is required. Look under flight controls here:


Trim would be alt+ w a s d, q or e. And it works... I think. Unless I was just on drugs last night. More experimentation is definitely required, I only played KSP for like 10 mins last night.

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  |Velocity| said:
Trim would be alt+ w a s d, q or e. And it works... I think. Unless I was just on drugs last night. More experimentation is definitely required, I only played KSP for like 10 mins last night.

Sorry for the off topic, but since you guys are asking about it...

Yes, this is the key binding for trim. It works more noticably if you hold ALT+WASDQE and let the trim run. You can see the results of your trim input in the lower left corner of the screen (the trim/SAS input indicators).

Realize trim does not do anything when SAS is engaged. Also, there is currently a bug. If you leave SAS on and your craft has trim inputs, it will move if you bring another vessel (or kerbal) near it. This is very problematic when docking things together. Just wanted to let you know before it sneaks up on you.

You can zero out the trim with ALT+X.



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