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My Duna refuel Station

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I really visited almost almost all planets in KSP universe, but i did not allow my kerbal to land anywhere except Kerbin, Mun and Minmus.

But now i think than i can send crewed expedition to make actual landing on Duna, but i'm afraid that i can lost my Kerbal in space due fuel shortage so i build Duna refueling station, i want to put it on Duna orbit than send crewed vehicle (with lander) and than it land take sample, ascent, it would be dock with refueling station, and than go back to Kerbin (i wonder what NASA think about my idea:D )

Now i must only construct decent light lander, any suggestion:D ?

The only mod i used is MechJeb



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Nice, although, atleast from the picture, it looks a bit lacking in Delta V. which is always a problem :P

I want built refueling station for kerbaled mission to Duna, my kerbals never landed on it(actually landed but they don't have delta-v to take off) so i like play more like real life space agency, the robotic mission.

So how much i need delta-v to make refueling station on Duna orbit? and what should look good Duna lander for kerbals?

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Your solution seems to be not so little overkill. You can easily make an Apollo style mission to Duna and Ike. My basic set is three man expedition. I put 3 kerbal capsule, hitchhicker module (to simulate habitat in my rolegame rules), lab, large SAS, 16 t fuel tank and two or three LV-Ns on the mothership (+some mod stuff) and make light lander around 2 kerbal landing capsule. Vessel starts from 300 km orbit around Kerbin. It takes about 1000 m/s to TDI and 600 m/s to DOI to 150 km orbit. If lander have about 3000 m/s it can land, ascend and rendezvous with mothership and have large safety margin. I do not use parachutes on Duna. Then I transfer to about 100 km Ike orbit. It takes few hundreds of meters per sec. I refuel lander (not full, about 1500 m/s is well within the safe side) and visit on surface. Then I move any remaining fuel to mothership, jettison the lander and wait for the return window. Return from Ike orbit takes about 600 m/s, if I do not remember wrong. I try to make some fuel optimization, but if you fill 16 t tank you have huge safety margins or you can make inclination changes or something extra and it is much more economical than separate fueling station. Fueling station is practical only if you make a surface base on Duna. You can transport crew with relative small vessels to and from surface (if you use KAS mod you can drop fuel tanks on surface and use a tank rover to refuel landers) and change the crew to interplanetary ship in Duna Station. I do not know is it the most economical way under current game. Probably not, but I like to add some rolegame elements and do not keep Kerbals weeks in small capsules.

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This is my last solution Volucella 1. Some parts are from mods: Scansat, TAC life support and Deadly Re-entry. That ship went very near limits in my mission. I had just few tens of m/s left when I jettisoned the mothership before re-entry. But if you put 16 t fuel instead of 12 t and do not use any mass increasing mods, you have more margins. I also recommend to use main 2 engines just for comfort, but it is not technically necessary.

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This is my last solution Volucella 1. Some parts are from mods: Scansat, TAC life support and Deadly Re-entry. That ship went very near limits in my mission. I had just few tens of m/s left when I jettisoned the mothership before re-entry. But if you put 16 t fuel instead of 12 t and do not use any mass increasing mods, you have more margins. I also recommend to use main 2 engines just for comfort, but it is not technically necessary.

I think i make some small craft, launch it on several rockets, and assemble on orbit.

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