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Rovers exploding when loading from quicksave

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KSP: 0.24.2 Linux 64-bit (32-bit also exhibits this issue)

Problem: When I attempt to load a quicksave, my rovers will behave eratically. This usually comprises a rover exploding immediately, or being launched high into the air from which recovery is impossible, leading to explosions.

Mods Installed:

  • Toolbar-1.7.6
  • DistantObjectEnhancement-
  • Engineer-Redux-
  • KerbalAlarmClock-
  • KineTechAnimation
  • KSP-AVC -
  • KSPX-0.2.6
  • MechJeb2-
  • DockingPortAlignment

Reproduction Steps:

Start the game. Load one of the save files provided. Camera should automatically switch to a rover which will then do something Unhelpful (explode or fall apart).

Recent save file and associated logfile:



Please note that prior to this attempt I manually edited the save file in an attempt to lift the vessel 1m off the ground to avoid clipping, to identical results. The vessel in question is named "Muner Science Rover 2"

Previous save file:


I think the vessel in this save file is "Muner Science Rover".

In all cases, I've taken to coming to a complete stop, turning off SAS and turning on the breaks, and letting the rover sit for a few seconds before quicksaving. I don't think that any of the mods installed should have an impact on what's going on.

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