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The Grand 0.25 Discussion Thread


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I think I've noticed an AWESOME bug...

Last night, I downloaded 0.25 and started playing. First mission, I did the typical Scott-Manley-Style 3-solid-boosters-with-no-decouplers to get into space to complete the first 3 contracts.

On the way back down, I got an EVA report from the upper atmosphere. I then right-clicked the capsule and chose Take Data, with the intention of getting back inside then doing a second Crew Report from the upper atmosphere.

Then the atmosphere burn began.

The rocket went shooting upwards and Jeb's jetpack wasn't even close to powerful enough to get back to it.

Oh dear, I thought - my first mission and I've just shafted it.

Then something strange happened... I hit the ground, and Jeb bounced!

I couldn't believe it. He bounced something like 200 metres into the air, then fell back down again. I hit spacebar, and he stood up and shook himself off!

I was then able to recover him, and received a whole bunch of science that by rights should really have been a bloody puddle somewhere in Kerbin's grasslands...

In summary, although I can't be sure without further testing, it seems as though taking data might make kerbals invincible..

Can anyone confirm ? :>

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annikk.exe - that's nothing new. Bouncy kerbals been here at least since 0.23.5 when I joined in.

I give up. I'll do it in the middle of the night.

Seeing the amount of bug reports that flood forums - seems like you're not missing much.

Edited by KasperVld
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Any of you having any issues at all? my game like doesn't want me to play it :S, i erased everything from steam and redownloaded it, it won't save my ships, won't launch them, and get me crappy fps from time to time, depending on where i'm looking at, specially inside the vab... :((((((((((


Intel I7 920

16gb DDR3 Ram

nVidia GTX Titan

Windows 7 Professional 64bits

playing (or trying) boarderless window with default settings...

Gonna try manually deleting every single file...

btw no mods (not until i manage to make it work at least)!

Loving the new content btw!!! Awesome game...

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The Reaction wheels are already extremely OP!

And, in order to "balance" it, they made the capsules' built-in reaction wheels extremely weak. You can barely steer the rocket even with wings! And the more useful winglets were only unlocked by the time you unlock the more powerful Reaction Wheel, but Squad decided to "balance" it by making the very first reaction wheel very tiny and weak, so the only real reaction wheel you can get is very deep into the tech tree.

*sigh* Sorry if it seems I am attacking you or Squad, I'm just really frustrated because SAS modules are a must for me, and then they make them even harder to acquire.

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I find it quite hard now to judge my distance to the runway, I had developed a pretty good eyeball judging the height of the plateau KSC is built upon and thus adjusting my glide slope. Time to place a few navigation markers, I guess.

Weird. Exactly the opposite for me. I usually have trouble judging how fast I need to be descending but with .25 installed I've been much better at it and was wondering if it was the graphics updates....

Either way, I endorse the flag method.


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Just use gimballed engines or vernier thrusters. You know... like a real rockets do?

The T45 engine isn't always the best option, because it also requires quite a bit of science to unlock it, and it has less thrust than the T30 - thus, less dV squeezed out. And I have tried it before - didn't quite stabilize the rocket like SAS does.

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Played a brand new campaign last night for a while set to "hard." The difference from 0.24.2? None at all, basically. I can turn down even more rewards I guess, but that results in tedium more than any real change in gameplay, other than to slightly decrease the rate at which my funds increase.

KSC vulnerable? Any chance of me crashing into a building came and went a few weeks ago, right after I started playing.

The career mechanisms added might allow for a modder to make a decent campaign, which is a plus, and the cargo bay stuff on SP+ stuff will be used for rocket parts at some point by a modder (I don't have much interest in space planes). Moving guys between parts of a ship is nice, though.

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Honestly, I haven't found a single problem that's Squad's issue. The only snags I've have have been with mods, and I'm sure they'll be sorted soon (assuming they're still maintained).

Steam quietly updated my install from .24 overnight and I came home this evening to...a mess.

1) Any ship with Mechjeb was trashed, (though I can create new ones with it and they do work and save correctly).

2) The mount points for KV Rocketry engines are now messed up. There's a good 5' gap between the motor and the tank above it and it doesn't get fuelled. I could work around it with fuel lines but it looks ridiculous. I'll just wait until it's fixed.

3) Editor Extensions don't work, though the native object placement logic does seem to have improved, (most obvious with radial parachutes) unless I'm imagining things.

4) The "Joint Reinforcement" mod throws an error, but like Mechjeb it still works.

I back up my install every time I install a mod, and let Steam update as it wants. But I hadn't realised this was coming so soon and so didn't do a snapshot. That still isn't Squad's problem. Yeah, so I lost a few ships. But that wasn't a bad thing - it's spurred me to reorganise and restructure.

So in summary, I think it's great, even if I don't plan to crash into the VAB. We're still in a paid beta and we might not like every decision that the developers make. But they do listen (removing flags from the TS view by default, thank you...) and I think that's the most important part.

I'm happy to be part of the journey that we're all taking.


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Just watched the trailer for 0.25 and my girlfriend asked me what Jim is talking about. Curious as she is her dutiful hubby (me :kiss:) was forced to play with the audio and guess what? It sounds very familiar :D Just played it in reverse and with 75% speed I got this:


Reminds me of:

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1) Any ship with Mechjeb was trashed, (though I can create new ones with it and they do work and save correctly).

2) The mount points for KV Rocketry engines are now messed up. There's a good 5' gap between the motor and the tank above it and it doesn't get fuelled. I could work around it with fuel lines but it looks ridiculous. I'll just wait until it's fixed.

3) Editor Extensions don't work, though the native object placement logic does seem to have improved, (most obvious with radial parachutes) unless I'm imagining things.

4) The "Joint Reinforcement" mod throws an error, but like Mechjeb it still works.

Mechjeb's dev build is updated for 0.25. Editor Extensions has an unofficial recompile by Padishar here. Pretty sure ferram4 has updated joint reinforcement, too. Not as sure about KW Rocketry.

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Hi all.

Sorry if someone was discussing that already in the forum, but I am curious what happened with terrain textures. They seem to have another one level detalization now.

I would also like to know, after the last pair of patches I have small size of letters in the GUI. Too small. No one cares of that?

Edited by Mode4
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