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DE-coupoling force

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hi all

in .24.2 i noticed that the decouplers were causing allot of my rockets to destroy themselves and i started getting very frustrated so after a furious search i saw that it the devs knew about it and that there were work arounds.

(1) spinning the rocket and

(2) adding sepertrons

and this all happen as a result of the ejection force not being correct


so i waited for a while and could not see a fix in sight

after a few weeks i figured ill put the game down and wait till next release it will probably be fixed by then being an alpha build and all.

Sure as bob 25 rolls around and i load it up and am having the same problem.

So i ask with tears in my eyes ;.;

is this a bug or is this how the devs intend the game to work

as it is quite a punishing feature if that is what it is

especially since there was no notification of the behavior change and it was a radical change given there behavior since .19

if it is a bug when can we expect a fix as currently i have put this game on hold and its starting to get frustrating

so i ask please any clarification on this issue for me would be greatly appreciated

i understand it is a alpha game and am not opposed to change just annoyed about change without knowledge of the change

bug of feature i don't care but please if you are going to change the behavior of an integral part like De-couplers please let us know as it is annoying to expect one thing and get another especially when expectation is built upon previous releases

yours in amicable service

the rocket enthusiast :)

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IMO this is an intended feature and you suppose to use seperatrons for that extra kick.

I am doubtful of this because typically a change like this would be documented/communicated.

To the OP, I am in agreement that this is a core mechanic that should have been fixed in this release.

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This isn't an intended feature, but rather a bug that was introduced when fixing a stack decoupler bug. Unfortunately the workaround for now is to use separatrons to aid in getting the boosters away. You can also try editing the decoupler's .cfg file and increasing the decoupling force. That seems to be helpful for some people's designs.



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Sepatrons don't fix the issue. With or without them the top of the booster seems to always want to pitch inward toward the craft. The sepatrons just make it happen faster.

I fix that by putting another radial decoupler at the top or above the booster (on the main rocket) and place a strut between the decoupler and the top of the booster.

Small Module Manager config to increase decoupler ejection force to 500 for stock decouplers...name it as "anything.cfg" and place it in KSP's GameData directory. I use GameData/Skeevy/radial_decoupler_fix.cfg so I can keep all my tweaks away from mods and GameData clutter free.

%ejectionForce = 500
%ejectionForce = 500
%ejectionForce = 500

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Sepatrons don't fix the issue. With or without them the top of the booster seems to always want to pitch inward toward the craft. The sepatrons just make it happen faster.
I fix that by putting another radial decoupler at the top or above the booster (on the main rocket) and place a strut between the decoupler and the top of the booster.

That's why I mentioned both of these fixes. Some things work better than others, depending on your designs. This same thing is listed in the 0.24 Cross Platform bug thread also.



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