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0.90 Kerbal Weather Systems! Alpha 0.5.3 WIP! (Jan 2)


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Happy to know this amazing mod will be maintained updated and is going forward!

I wish you the best to do your "hopes and dreams" stuffs.

in my dream i see also :

-Wind follow the ground in the low layer: sailplane/glidder possible on hills.

-Thermal wind (like in goods rc simulators)

-A 3d map with layers showing the actual weather and forecast a bit like this:http://earth.nullschool.net/ (options in "earth")

-Depending of an upgradable building and compatible with the integrated map/scan-sat for bodies with an atmophere like Duna. A new job for probes!

-But keeping some unpredictabble variation to avoid perfectly planned travel.

-Some in game elements to know were the wind come from and its intensity ( like your plan for a wind cursor on the navball):

-A working ksc flag

-Wind and gust marking the grass/water like virtual skipper http://www.x-zine.de/portale/games//images/skipper3/bild1.jpg

-3D wind vector field in game as an option in the debug menu

-Screen rain and water splash effects like this http://www.iwallscreen.com/stock/mass-effect-game-wallpaper-rain.jpg

-Camera shaking with hard gust

-Water sailing mod :

-Waves! yeeees, waves!! depending of the fetch, to avoid boring flat water everywhere ( too big dream ? Maybe),

-Surfing theses waves ;)http://www.surfertoday.com/surfing/6420-the-history-of-the-surfing-games

How the actual water is modeled ? Like the ground ?

-Me, designing parts to work in high density like fins, daggerboards, foils and other cool stuffs producing lift in it.(i'm currently learning blender/unity)

-Other stuffs to show how the wind can be a great free powerfull efficient energy .

See you soon for your next release!

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@Skalou, Wow what a doozy. I love responding to these really "full" posts. :D

1) wind will follow what leads it. If it's terrain, it's terrain. Pressures dictate EVERYTHING.

2)Thermal wind- how do you mean, like thermals? If so, then yes, those will hopefully be a thing.

3)I'm actually basing my weather mappage off of nullschool. :D

4)Weather is predictable, that's what makes it fun, but it's only predictable to a certain extent, which makes it even more fun. I want predictable weather.

5)I can have that in if you guys want, I've made one before but I take it out because it's just for debugging purposes.

6)I'm not good with drawing or SFX, Unless someone comes on knowing how to do that stuff, don't expect it.

7)Depending on how hard camera shake would be, that could be a thing

8)Ksp doesn't really have "water' per se, it just has blue liquid that explodes your craft and lags your computer out if you try and sail it.

9)If you are willing to help make models I can give you some work, wind turbines, science equipment, weather station models. Cameras. Tons of fun stuff.

10) The water isn't as workable as you think, and it isn't even drawn on the map necessarily. From what I hear, everything at 0m and below is dedicated by code to be water. It isn't mapped or anything.

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my main curious question is: KWS will calculate the weather in real time depending of all the tech parameters like pressure(your unity video on coriolis is :confused:), or some precalculate looped scenarii will be read? (please think about our poor CPU and ram)

1-your weather is cut in cell? what size/height? so what happen when the wind is hitting a small hill compared to this size?

2- in my old rc simulator there was some not so random timed cylinders inside there is stronger ascent wind adding to the surface wind, the cylinder can be see via a transparent tube in noob mode or via your flight instruments.maybe not the most accurate but add fun in the gameplay.


4-you are right, better for gameplay, and you have enought hard work to do

5-yes i would like this debug menu with 3d wind field

6-SFX, it will be "la cerise sur le gateau" (icing on the cake?)

7-maybe you don't have to do anything, if the ship is reacting at the wind it'll have G force that will shake it.

8/10-So what is needed is a separate mod that give good water properties, the actual one give buoyance, a higher drag, a crash interface, but it seems it keep some aero properties inside ,winglets still work like in air. Ferram4 if you read this!

here is 3 pics of my test on 0.90 with quick modified incrashable winglet:


(ur mod didnt work anymore for any reason: no gui, same pblm as pingopete,but i want to focus on the new model too, so don't care)

9-First u have to know i'm a beginner but here is what i can do:

design in blender, animation, manage part organisation to work with main KSP modules(generic animation, retract ladder, hatch, light, engine, cargo bay, landing leg), bake normal map from a HPoly model, manage UV mapping, draw ugly texture with gimp, export to unity, animate emissive in unity, modify values in the part.cfg.

BUT i haven't try yet a complete dedign of aero parts such as wing or winglet specially with the new aero system (link to post /doc welcome),

also i don't code! and i think a plugin is needed for some parts you want.

I enjoy and have some idea for wind turbines, i like it! this part could be really well integrated in the gameplay.

So i'm ok to work on it!

I tested unsuccesfully to modify simply an intake air in v1.0.2 to produce electriccharge instead of intakeair: plugin needed

how do you see this part? what is your point of view on it?

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@Skalou, Yes, 0.90 KWS doesn't work with 1.0 because 1.0 changes a lot, and FAR hasn't been updated, I'm working on the new thermal system and stock aero.

1)Yes, the mods works via Cellular Automata. Each cell is a specific point in space, and stores data. It is a somewhat medium-large scale space however, default and minimum of 20km*20km on kerbin. If there are miniscule changes to the cell because of a tiny local factor, then miniscule effects will occur. You can however increase the grid level in the settings menu on the main menu of ksp to grid level 6, where the definition is 10km*10km on kerbin. or at maximum on windows 32bit grid level 7 which is 5km*5km on kerbin. If you are running the 64 bit version of ksp on linux, then you can go to whatever grid level your heart feels content. Note: every grid level doubles the accuracy, and will greatly increase RAM as it goes up the levels. the amount of cells PER LAYER is 10 * 4^n + 2. grid level 5, which is the default, has 10242 cells per layer, and each WeatherCell is ~100B and the default is 5 or 6 layers per planet with atmosphere, excluding the sun.

Anyways, KWS is also very configurable in it's CPU usage, you can tone down how often it does the cell updates, and how many cells it updates each weather tick. So if you cant handle the 50 cell's worth of calcs every 0.02 seconds, then you can tone it down to say, 25 or 10 or 30 cells per tick and you'll have less CPU usage. Although this is calced in real time, if you have the same startup conditions every time, you'll have the same outcome everytime, because of cause and effect.

2) on the note of sound effects, I'd love to have some wind sounds, and thunder cracks, but I lack the experience and time to implement them. If anyone is capable and willing to put the effort into it, I'd love to have the help.

3)I've had a modeller before who didn't write plugins for the parts, I did that myself, and I already have an anemometer and wind turbine module set up.

On an ending note, Your RAM won't be affected as much by default, but if you ramp up the grid level then you'll see some definite RAM usage. Your experiment with the intake air modules would probably fail because of the way intakeAir works. However it wouldn't be hard to add a custom module.

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i tried on ksp 0.90, with maybe 5 differents version of KWS and FAR, but as said let's focus on the new version.

1- better than dreams!

So i'm confident with your work, i'll ask you my questions after the release if still needed.

2-i wish too a codder will help you, ther is a lot of sound mod like Kerbal Sound Overhaul Project, focus on on your main GP feature: give us wind!

3-he didn't design for you anymore? if you need, as i said i can design for your mod (feel free to don't accept if u don't like/want), i just need to know what you want, how you see the features, style of these part, maybe it's too soon for this? u can call me when needed.

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@Skalou, I'm making tons of progress today, so good news is a compat release might be coming out soon! And no, he doesn't design for me anymore, with this kind of mod there isn't a constant need for models and things like that as it's mostly plugin and code. But if you want to help and contribute, then feel free to send models my way, and if I like them, I'll tell you so and we'll go from there. :3

Also, Sound isn't really a priority of mine just yet, I got to get the basics first before adding on extras.

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What do you think about this?


1 the simplest, fix , u can use a rotatron(pivot joint) from infernal robotic to stay facing the wind, Ec calcualated by your plugin

2 deployable

3-10 some model could be shaped differently to work better in deferents atmopheres, altitudes, ranges of speed...

4-5 vetical axis, better in gusty winds and hight wind, lower efficiency

6 deployable, can be slip around a fuel tank or can be a cargo bay too

8- could be reversible, engine or wind turbine mode

9- i don't if mod electric generator exist already in ksp, that transform a mecanic power in Ec, so we could use directly the aero physic of ksp:

stack the wings, blades, nosecone with the right angle on the rotor's generator, the physics of ksp produce the forces converted by the generator.

there is also a lot of other shape on the net.

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@Skalou, It looks pretty neat tbh, I'll have to look into it more and see if I'm willing to put the time down to get module code up for it. However, I'd prefer it if you PM me with models and the such instead of posting it to this forum, as it's a discussion we need to have more privately than publicly.

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Dev note: I haven't been working on KWS in a day or so. I've instead been working on my new mod: Contract Controller. After I am done with this, I will get back to KWS, which needs some equation adjustments and some re-writes in it's formula. I will give you all further updates when the time comes!

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Dev Note: I finished up work on Contract Controller, Just going to put out a patch for a bug I missed and then I will return to work on KWS. Sorry guys but it might be a bit longer until release, equations are turning out to be harder to tweak than I thought.

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Dev Note: I finished up work on Contract Controller, Just going to put out a patch for a bug I missed and then I will return to work on KWS. Sorry guys but it might be a bit longer until release, equations are turning out to be harder to tweak than I thought.

Looking forward to it! ^^ I like a little unpredictability in my launches.

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Dev Note: My drive for this mod is slowly dying, I'm afraid of it coming to a halt. I am sending out a request for any person who has experience coding if they would like to join me in my pursuit of a weather simulation. Please PM me if you are interested.

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Dev Note: My drive for this mod is slowly dying, I'm afraid of it coming to a halt. I am sending out a request for any person who has experience coding if they would like to join me in my pursuit of a weather simulation. Please PM me if you are interested.

Its sad to hear that too bad im not good emough coder to mod but i now that will be somebody to maintain such awesome mod

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Dev Update: Yes, even information and updates can be unpredictable! However, I've started to get back into it, slowly removing problematic numbers, still doing tons of tweaking, and hoping that things turn out. When they do turn out reliably, I will move onto the next step, which is making the temps move with the wind and then from there I'll be working on stock drag and applying that with the wind. After that, it'll be release time!

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Dev Update: Yes, even information and updates can be unpredictable! However, I've started to get back into it, slowly removing problematic numbers, still doing tons of tweaking, and hoping that things turn out. When they do turn out reliably, I will move onto the next step, which is making the temps move with the wind and then from there I'll be working on stock drag and applying that with the wind. After that, it'll be release time!

Just a side-note from looking at this again, you may want to investigate the shared module between DRE/nuFAR. I cannot recall the name of it, but there were issues with mods that adjust a certain stock module competing with each other, which prompted both mods to share-write that custom module to integrate with the flight director. You may want to look into that, seeing as this is likely going to interact with that same director. Could be a potential issue with compatibility in the future.

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Dev Update! I'm just finishing working on the convective heat flow. I just through about some somewhat real-ish numbers and then threw some fake numbers at them to calm them down and I have a system I think is good enough. Still more tweaking overall to do though.

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