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Minmus and Duna contracts not showing up

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Hey so this is a weird one:

So my game has been working ~more or less as normal since .25, been patient and haven't tried to use any broken mods (Okay I DID try to use treeloader but it seems like it's probably broken forever and the weird issue it was causing cleared up when I removed it, which was well before this new thing happened). I started a new career mode save yesterday and I've gotten through the tech tree disturbingly fast (strategies might be badly balanced). Anyway, just finished my Mun mission and went to get my contracts for Minmus and Duna and Ike but--no dice. There are no new contracts available. I looked around to see if there was a fix and a couple of people said that, in general, mods that add contracts can screw with the game's contract system. I uninstalled the one mod I have that affects contracts--StationScience 1.3 (2.5 compatible) and reloaded my save. The contract for Ike appeared! But not Duna or Minmus. I uninstalled ALL my mods and loaded the game unmodded, but still no contract for Duna or Minmus.

It's past my bedtime and I won't be able to upload the log or the full list of mods until tomorrow. Throwing this out there now in case anyone has a fix off the top of their head. Also, it's kind of irritating me, and this was therapeutic.

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Simple fix: f12 to open your debug menu, go to contracts, add "exploration missions" until you see the ones you've missed. You'll get a few duplicates (I have three identical "explore Ike" contracts available) and you can't clear them from your available contracts, but it more or less works.

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